Saturday, August 18, 2007


Becki is out in Utah with her family because her brother Dan is getting married. She left Thursday morning REALLY early from Nashville and will get home on Monday. She took Owen with her and that means that for a few days I have/get to look after Logan and Lincoln. It's actually not as trying as I was expecting. I think that has something to do with the amount of popsicles and cookies we've eaten compounded with how late we stay up each night watching movies.

All the boys miss Mommy and Owen, but we've had our fun too. Logan's first soccer practice was scheduled for yesterday, but with 105 degree temperatures, it was wisely cancelled. Of course it would have been a little more wise to cancel it and tell the parents so they don't spend and hour and 25 minutes driving around cotton fields looking for the park, but I suppose that's neither here nor anywhere.

P.S. if anyone ever finds themselves in the position of needing to find something somewhere in the Alabama countryside, here are two tips: #1 Google maps doesn't work here. #2. Bring a GPS unit and a tent.

We're now about half way through our bachelor's weekend and we're still alive. That must count for something. We have chicken nuggets and popsicles on the menu again today so if we end up contracting scurvy, please someone send oranges.

Becki just sent some pictures from Utah of Owen with his Grandma and Grandpa Great.

1 comment:

T said...

Love the new look! Have fun playing Mr. Mom...