Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ellie is one month old!

Can you believe she's a month old? The time has gone so quickly, and to be honest, it's been pretty fuzzy too. I think the sleep deprivation has taken its toll on my brain cells. At least I've been through it three times before and I know it won't last forever. I will get sleep again! It may be five years from now, but I will get it again. Seriously, we all love our new little girl. I'm lucky to have three very sweet boys who love her to pieces! She is gaining weight and is just over seven pounds now. She looks like a little peanut when she stretches. Her sweet spirit brings a calming peace to our home, and like the song Dan put on the video of her says, (see a few posts earlier) she truly is the angels' best. I know Heavenly Father meant for her to be with us and I am eternally grateful for that. So, in honor of her one month, here are some new sweet Ellie pictures. I just can't stop photographing's way too fun.

With this picture I was trying to capture her while she's cuddled up to my chest. It was hard to do, but I love how this one turned out. I don't want to forget how little and sweet she is.

So little. I put her in her first pair of jeans, and just laughed. They are so big on her skinny bottom. I had to snap a picture.

The next couple of pictures were taken today. When I was pregnant with Logan, some of our fantastic friends bought us my favorite baby item, a white, old fashioned bassinet. I really wanted to take some of her while she's still in it. The blanket she's laying on was made for her by my mom.

Bright eyes

This was sweet. Logan wanted to help and when he sat behind her she turned to look at him. She doesn't do that much yet, so I was happy to get this shot.


hope said...

She is so beautiful! Happy One-month, Ellie!!

danakat said...

She is just beautiful!

Sarah said...

She is just precious! Good luck with the sleep deprivation - as you know, the "fog" will eventually clear, and you may even start feeling human again. ;)

nicole said...

Wow I don't even know where the month went!! I remember Dan's posts about her the day she was born. Baby's really are amazing spirits!! She is so precious. I can't wait for mine. I am feeling really good these days. Like I'm human again. You will soon too. The holidays are really going to make time fly too. You have such a cute family!!

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

I want to... no need to come snuggle her SOON! It's killing me!

kg said...

One month already! She's so precious! Loving all the pink!!

Britney said...

I still can't believe how teeny tiny she is! Also, that's its been one month already!!! Goes by way too fast.

Kayleen said...

Hey Becki! This is Kayleen (Katie Mortensen) Oldham. How are you!? Dawn told me you guys had connected through your blogs and I was excited cause I haven't talked to you forever! You have 4 kids! Wow! Congratulations! I'm a little behind the times I guess, but I'm excited to be a mommy when the time comes. Your kids are absolutely darling!

McKenna said...

People get sleep again? Are you sure on that one? :)
Ellie is so cute. Those jeans just swallow her! And those eyes just swallow me! :) They're so big and pretty.

Lisa said...

Doesn't time go by too quickly? She is so beautiful and so small! Enjoy these days! How are you feeling by the way?