Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Long Time No See

Welcome to the South! This is my scenery. Isn't it beautiful?

I haven't posted in what feels like forever! I've been so incredibly busy and my computer time has taken a hit. Ellie has been as sweet as ever, although she's picked up a bit of a screaming habit lately. She LOVES being cuddled all the time. I think it's about time to break out the ole Baby Bjorn so I'll be able to get some things done again. The boys are all great. Linc is currently in the playroom picking up his toys. He's been in there now for a total of three hours between yesterday and today. I keep thinking that any time he'll get tired of being in there and finally break down and clean them up... I'll have to let you know how that works out. Logan's at school again. We had an entire "fall break week" last week and having him home again was wonderful. He's our idea man. He's always coming up with something new to try. Owen is sleeping and has finally graduated to no more sleep time binki. I'm very proud of him. Well, I guess that covers the kids. Dan and I are great. Sleep deprived, but happy. What can I say other than I love that man. Here's A LOT of pictures to catch y'all up on the past few weeks. Adios!

Little Burrito Girl

Little Perpetual Sunbeam Boy

Owen and his best little friend at the mall playcenter. They had more fun with our stroller than on the climby toys.

This picture is a little fuzzy, but so beautiful. Look at that smile! I can't wait til it's for me.

Little Sweet Boy

This is one of my new favorite Ellie pictures

Linc, A, and Logan in A's Daddy's truck. Logan thought it was so cool that he had a bed in his truck!

The rest of these pictures are from Logan's first field trip. His class went to a local pumpkin patch and Dan watched the kids for me so I could go. Logan is so happy at school with his friends. I loved being there with him, though I think I went a little picture crazy. :)


Jessica M said...

Some really cute pictures of Ellie!

I love your pictures from Tate's farms too. It's one of our favorite fall places. We went on Saturday and it was a liiiittle warm but we still had a great time.

The Ratchford Family said...

That farm looks so fun. Are the kids rolling around in corn and is someone going to eat that when they are done? The baby is getting more and more beautiful. Hope I get to meet her someday soon.

hope said...

I can't believe how skinny, and yet completely adorable your little Ellie is!! Love the pics, too.

Your entire family is just sweet as pie!!

danakat said...

Your little burrito is precious!
And Tate Farms is the best field trip ever! So glad you were able to go and enjoy with your oldest.

McKenna said...

Yay for pictures! And yay for class field trips! It makes them so much more excited about things. The Princess went to a pet store with her class a few weeks ago and she is constantly telling us about pink bunnies now. LOVE field trips! And LOVE your new pictures. The kids are so cute.

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

Love the burritto picture! She is beautiful. I only wish I was there to see her....

The Johnson J's!! said...

Fun times for you!! Sounds like everything is going well. Don't you love going on field trips with your kids... they are the best. By the way... your little girly is absolutly beautiful!!! You and Dan the man do a good job on the kid front!! I am jealous of the cotton... we had snow to look at yesterday!

Lisa said...

Your daughter is just adorable!! as are the boys too!!

kg said...

Been thinking about you guys! You're little baby doll is growing, but still so mini! Looks like you're enjoying Fall!

steveandamybrossard said...

I love your fall pictures. Aren't cotton fields great! Your baby is so small and beautiful. They grow so fast. Keep taking lots of pictures!

Ratchford Family said...

Becki, You know that you gave me the idea for tying chairs to the table. I have a boy raising genious for a friend.

Saysha said...

Hey Becks...how cute all your kids are! I wish I could see your cute new little angel in person, so move to Arizona, eh? ;o) She is such a doll..and yet so tiny! Looks like Logan had fun on his field trip! Miss you guys.

Maria said...

Becki- Your children's photos are so beautiful! They look professional, what treasures!

Ollie said...

They are all getting so big. Now there's two we've never met! At first glance, I thought the Cotton was snow..then I remembered that we are the only ones lucky enough to have snow in october (gone now, thank goodness but I know it'll be back all too soon)!

dawnkp said...

Becki, I haven't seen you since you only had Logan. It has been too long. Kir gives me updates on your family and gave me your blog address. Your kids are all so cute. Congrats on Elena. What a tiny little thing! My Ellie was 8 1/2 lbs! Her real name is Ella but we call her Ellie most of the time. She's almost 3 now and has a baby sister of her own (Halle). Your little Lincoln looks just like you!