Thursday, September 18, 2008

She's Here

Wow. I guess I should have known better than to think this last one would come easily. We're getting to be veterans at this and you'd think it would run like clockwork, but not this time.

At about 11:30 the heart rate monitor wasn't beeping the same way it ought to be so we called the nurse in. She kind of rushed in and then picked up her phone, made a call and said, "Yep." Then the door burst open and 5 nurses came running into the room. The paramedic was standing at the back of the room and nurses were shifting and rushing and spouting acronyms and words I'd only heard from George Clooney back in his days on ER.

One of the nurses was yelling into her phone for the doctor to come and another was lowering the head of Becki's bed while another one strapped an oxygen mask on Becki's face.

The Doctor came in and started audibling people around like a quarterback. I could tell he was scared but trying to put me at ease, which by the way, never works because you're always wondering what he's not telling you. He got everything set up and bellowed for a vacuum and a nurse went scrambling after it. He looked up and told me that the cord had wrapped around the baby's neck three times and he got down to work.

Let me just pause for a minute to say that there is nothing in the world better than a confident, competent and careful doctor. He was really good and I knew he'd take care of business.

The whole delivery took all of about 5 minutes. When she came out she was past blue and wasn't breathing. One nurse whisked her to the little baby table and they put a little oxygen pump on her. At this point I was about ready to pass out, but then I heard her cry and she sounded great. Becki got to hold her for about 30 seconds and then they took the baby to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, because she wasn't yet breathing on her own.

The doctor assured us everything would be okay and so far it has been. I got to go up to the NICU to see her and she seemed like she was doing well. They told me she had blood in her lungs, but they got it all cleared out and she is now breathing on her own.

5 lbs. 8 oz.
19 in.

Becki is doing better. I think she's exhausted, but she's doing fine.

more later.


Lisa said...

Wow! Congrats and well done Becki! We hope you all recover well and enjoy bringing this little girl home! Dan - be prepared for the overprotective father-of-a-daughter feelings to begin right away.

Britney said...

Yea! Congratulations!!! How fun you were able to post from the hospital. How scary, it's amazing how every birth can be so different. I'm sooo glad that everything looks good so far. You'll be in my thoughts and I hope everyone continues to do well. Great job Becki, she's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! We're so happy for you! We know how it feels to have a blue baby, so sorry you had to go through that! It sounds like everything is going to be great. Do you have a name yet? Thanks for the posts, it feels like we were there with you! Good luck with everything, you'll be in our prayers!!!

Theresa said...

Yeah for you two and your beautiful healthy baby! What a scare there. I am so glad I found your blog! So exciting! Glad to see it and you can bet I'll keep watching now that I have found it!
All our love,

ALYSSA said...

Wow! I am so sorry you had to go through all of that! It can be so scary at times! Congrats on such a beautiful tiny baby! Hope to hear from ya soon! Love you!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! She's beautiful. I'm glad she's ok and healthy! What a tiny little thing. Keep us posted.