Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yay, Drugs!

The epidural is now in and Becki's feeling gooooooooood.

I got faked out by the first needle...again. Becki says that's 4 for 4. For those of you who have never seen an epidural up close, it's as frightening as you would imagine a massive spike to the spinal cord would be. She sits up on the bed and the doctor brings out what looks like a pretty good-sized needle and you think, "That's not as bad as I've heard." and then they tell you that the pretty good-sized one is the preliminary one and the real one is next, then they bring out a needle the size of a jack hammer and the father's knees get a little wobbly. But then it's over and the wife starts quoting Jim Morrison.

more later.


Sarah said...

Hurray for epidurals! GOOD LUCK BECKI!

Dahnelle said...

Yay! Good luck!!!!!

stacibee said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE the updates. I'm glad Becki's feelin' goooood. Thank heavens for epidurals! Can't wait to see this pretty little girl!

The Johnson J's!! said...

Wahoo!! Baby Girl Kanigan coming soon!!! You tell those dr's to be nice to your wife Mr. Dan!! I have missed the way you talk and tell stories, Man!! Go Becki, GO!!!