Wednesday, August 06, 2008

trips, birthdays and change

Well, today is the day I grow another year older. I suppose it's been coming on gradually throughout the year, but it sort of feels like it happened just today. I look at my life and see beafutiful children, a sweet husband, lots of family and friends and I feel like I'm a pretty lucky person! I'm twenty-eight now and still have a long ways to go, so here's to me and all the memories I have to look forward to making! I had a fun visit with my little sister last week and one of my best friends came out and just left today. It was soo good to hang out with both of them! Logan starts his first day of kindergarten tomorrow........sigh........ I'll miss him more than I'm sure I even realize. Linc's preshcool starts in a few weeks and the baby will come a month or so later. I guess some of those memories are going to be made pretty quickly. Well, I'll go for now, here's a few rececnt pictures I love.

Look comfortable? We found Logan in this neck bending position at eleven one night when Dan and I finished our movie and were heading up to bed.

Who needs a swim suit? At least he's wearing something this time!

Owen loves the water!

I tried so hard to get a shot with all three of them. It was tough, and this is all I came up with. Maybe I'll have better luck next time.


McKenna said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful woman! I can't believe you are twenty eight. And, for another thing, I can't believe you are pregnant! You look SO happy and radiant all the time...not to mention young and skinny! You're boys are so sweet. I just love reading your blog. You're such a good, positive mom. I learn a lot from you. Tell Dan from me that he is SO lucky! (He's pretty great to, but we'll just focus on you :)

Britney said...

No way Becki, you and I share the same Birthday!!! How neat is that? I have a year on you though, I've only got one more year left of my twenties...sigh. Anyway, Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good one.