Thursday, August 07, 2008

Logan's first day

Logan started school today! I didn't cry, but I kind of wanted to. It's amazing to me how yesterday I thought he looked so big, but this morning as I walked with him up the hall to his new classroom he seemed so small! I can't believe I'm sending my baby into the world all alone. He seemed a little shy about the whole situation, but happy and curious as well, so I'm sure he'll adjust alright. Now I'll have to work on adjusting myself to having him gone; the house is much quieter without him.


Britney said...

sniff, sniff. I'll shed a tear for ya! This will be me in three weeks!!!

SpinIt! said...

I have another year with Sam. I am kinda not looking forward to that first day. I think I will cry. Good Luck!

The Johnson J's!! said...

I cannot believe it was that many years ago that you had that little tiny guy!! Wow, kindergarten!! I am sure you will adjust a little at a time! Good Luck!

Jessica M said...

Oh he's a handsome guy. He'll do beautifully!!

Lisa said...

Sad! He will do great. Is it full day kindergarten there? It is just half day here so not too bad. Now you get to relive all your elementary days through your kids - imagine all that you will relearn!

hope said...

Awww. Congratulations. What a big boy!!

nicole said...

Can you believe our kids are in school!!!