Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Surviving the Summer

This past week has been good, but a little stressful. I've read that when a woman starts the third trimester of her pregnancy, she can get anxious and antsy about everything and that has definitely been the case with me. Add to that a hot Southern summer, with a lot of indoor time, and it means I end up struggling to stay in a good mood. So, last week I decided to plan out things for the boys and I to do...out of the house. I mentioned the free movies we go to weekly, that's been really fun. I've added a library day, park day and a few "random, try whatever days." It's helped my mood a lot, not entirely, but a lot. Still, life throws rough days my way every now and then.

For example, a few days ago while I was shopping at Walmart with all the boys (minus Dan). My cart was getting pretty full so Owen was able to grab a few items. He was busy stacking cans in the cart while I was standing with Logan and Linc in front of the syrup aisle, trying to decide whether or not to go with a sugar free syrup. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see a flying can of tuna. Owen had chucked it directly at poor Lincoln's head......hard. There was a couple next to me, with shocked looks on their faces, trying to act like they weren't staring at us, while I hugged poor screaming Lincoln. Needless to say, I picked a sugar free syrup and left quickly. I had reached my limit. Unfortunantely, I can't say whether or not the sugar free syrup was any good because not surprisingly, it was the next item to be chucked, this time at the cash register. I think the cashier was angrier than she seemed, wiping her belt free from the sticky mess, but she hid it well. Sometimes all I can do these days is laugh, other wise, with my hormones out of whack like they are, I think I'd cry. :)

Here's a few pictures that do make me smile.

Logan rediscovered the Incredibles movie and the other day came running down the stairs in Owen's pajamas claiming he was Dash. He begged me to make him a black mask, and I couldn't resist taking a picture.

I don't know if this picture shows it very well, but there is a golf ball sized lump on Owen's head. He has been extra adventurous lately and received this one diving off a bed. Our new house rule: "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

Logan's been very artistic lately. This is a picture he drew of him and Daddy camping. He included a tent, sun and clouds. I love it!


Jessica M said...

Problem A: shopping in WalMart. You'd think after your husband had been shot in the head there, you'd avoid the place. Golly that still makes me laugh out loud.
That poor bump on sweet little Owen! Melanie had one on the back of her head last week. Aren't they scary?
Next time your bored, head to my house.

The Ratchford Family said...

You are an amazing mom. Some store trips are enough to make a mom break down into a 3 year old style fit. I think that it should be illegal for us to have to take all of our kids to the store with us. I love that picture of Logan.

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

Oh, I just want to come and paint a baby room with you... how about next week? Matt's gone and I don't have anything planned. Would that make you feel any better?

danakat said...

I completely sympathize! My son throws EVERYTHING! We have all suffered busted lips, black eyes, bumps, bruises, and torn clothing. Plus it is SO embarrassing when they do it in public. I'll have to post about our sacrament experience. Ugh.

Hang in there.

Travis and Chandra said...

That's great. Taylor has been pretending to be Dash lately too. Travis is Mr. Incredible (obviously).

Lisa said...

Becki - just blame it on Wal-mart - it has nothing to do with you or your kids. That store is evil!!! Your kids are so cute, though, so that is a plus. How are you surviving pregnancy in the heat? I have less than 3 weeks to go and can't wait for my shoes to fit, my clothes to fit (at least my big clothes) and my wedding ring to fit again!