Friday, July 25, 2008

Dare devil boy

Today as I sat somewhat deflated on my bedroom floor, cuddling my 21 month old dare devil after yet another failed nose dive off my bed, (yes he had been warned and I had even tried to catch him, I don't know how he does it!) I had to wonder to myself if there were others with children as adventurous as mine. His older brothers do have energy, but neither of them have ever climbed to the top of the piano, or jumped from a kitchen counter top; and so as his schemes become more adventurous and more dangerous I feel myself becoming.........very tired. This dive happened about an hour and a half after I had treated his legs for Almond extract burns. Weird? I thought so. I was unaware that almond extract burned the skin. Owen taught me this new fact when he climbed on the counter and broke into my baking supplies. It did leave a nice fragrance in the kitchen though..........mmmmm, biscotti.
My house has undergone many changes since he began climbing. We've put locks on everything lockable, (minus the toilets since that wouldn't work well for my three year old) tied kitchen chairs to the table, fastened bookshelves to the walls and offered a number of threats we know his little toddler mind can understand in an attempt to keep him safe. Still, he jumps off of everything and climbs as high as possible while standing on anything that can be utilized as a stool. He breaks into any cupboard or closet that looks interesting and has no fear of getting hurt! Honestly, I can't remember the last time we've gone to church without some kind of bump on his head. Yet as crazy as he is, and as beat up as his little body gets, he always smiles, gets up, brushes himself off, and keeps on testing his limits. If this is a glimpse of how his teen age years are going to go, I am throwing my hands in the air right now. :) It's a good thing I love that little boy more than anything!


SpinIt! said...

I see Jack heading in the same direction. It has already begun and I can definately sympathize wtih the going out with a beat up kid thing. I catch myself explaining to strangers in the checkout line how the injury occured. I'd like to think that if I tried something that only resulted in pain..I wouldn't WANT to do it again five minutes later.

ALYSSA said...

Lucky you! I had one just like him! They do grow out of it, well atleast they getting older so they don't get hurt as much! We were in the emergency room so much with Kelton that they just kept his file on hand and knew us by name! All i can say is good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

I so know how you feel. My little Trey is teh same way. We have been to the er twice this summer and had close call many times. I'm sorry! But it makes for some fun spills and falls when they get a little older. lol good luck!

Charlotte and Nate Braithwaite said...

That was a great story and well written too. By the way how is the book coming? I haven´t heard anything for a few months now.

danakat said...

Oh dear!
I think you win.
My guy makes a mess out of anything and everything, but fortunately the climbing is contained to the kitchen table.
Positive least he's not scared of heights. Does that help? Yeah, maybe not.
But he is a cute little thing!

Anonymous said...

Hey! i just read your comment on brits blog. I would love to invite you. Send me your email adress so I can send you and invite!

Bama Holcomb Family said...

Sorry, I don't think mine have been that adventurous. Good luck with that.

I am so anxious to see a little girl!!! How are you doing???

Jessica M said...

But look at how cute he is!! Seriously, love the picture at the top of the post. He's so cute with hair! =0) He's cute without hair too....

Hang in there little mama. Call me, let's get together soon.