Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ten years later

This weekend was soooo nice! A few of my friends from high school met together in Florida for a weekend of shopping and lying on the beach without children. (Thank you daddy's!) We had a lot of fun catching up on our lives and catching dead jellyfish, although we didn't know they were dead at the time! Here's a few of my favorite pics, oh and I would be very ungrateful if I didn't mention how much I love my husband. I'm not trying to embarrass him or anything, but he really is my perfect match. Thanks for all your help this month sweety! I'm home for good now.
Dinner at the Olive Garden

I love this because of my friends pretty smile, and how in one lens you can see me taking the picture, and in the other lens you can see the rest of the girls sitting on their towels.

Most of us took a picture with this shark. This one makes me laugh soo hard! Logan loves it, Lincoln hates it, and Owen has no opinion what so ever. I thought my mother in law might like this one. :)

Four of us at the beach.

And there's the fifth! Isn't she cute?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow!! Super fun that you got to do that!! Looks like a lot of fun!