Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A lazy summer week

It's been a pretty uneventful week so far. I've been feeling pretty tired lately, so I'm trying not overload myself. My kids however, aren't in the least bit tired. It's been a little frustrating for them staying home so much. That will change tomorrow though, because we'll be gone visiting Aunt Brooklyn and their cousins. They are happy. Diana and her kids will be there too, so that will be good. I tried taking the boys to a mothers and kids free movie day at a local theater here. It was fun, but a lot of stress keeping Owen quiet. Logan loved it though, and once Lincoln got over how loud it was, he liked it too. The second we walked into the theatre he screamed from the noise and threw his hands to his ears, dropping our popcorn all over the front row. Oh, boy. Well, I guess I'll have to get used to stress because it's about to get even more so in a few months! :) I love my little guys. They wear me out, but they are so worth it! Here's some ranom pictures from the week.

'Role Play Lincoln.'
I'd say about seventy-five percent of the day Lincoln is pretending to be something new. Lately he's been a puppy or a cat, or even a monkey. This is picture of him being a baby. He figured out that pillow cases are just right for assuming "baby position." I think it is really comfortable for him, because he'll stay in that thing forever.

Owen prefers not to go down the stairs by himself. He likes to be carried, so we've been working hard at getting him to come down on his own. I love how he is lead by his little bum.

A cowboy hat and camo pants. That's my boy!

Curious Lincoln. My boys love being outside.

As Lincoln used to say, "Not forget about baby!" Here's how baby girl is coming along. We're not set on any names yet, though Logan really wants to name her Ellie.


Jessica M said...

Have I mentioned how CUTE your boys are?? Dang they are darling. I like Lincoln's outfit for baby. Laugh!

Ratchfords said...

Great pictures! Your house looks so cute - I love the wall colors!

The Johnson J's!! said...

Becki, this is Jamie that used to work with Dan at Foot Locker, and I got your blog address from his facebook page. I was so excited to see your cute family and how your kids have grown. How exciting for you to have your little girl on her way!! I would like to check up on your fam if you don't mind, I like keeping up with old friends. If you'd like, you can check out my fam as well, our blog address is thejohnsonbugs.blogspot.com

Again, it was great to see how you all are. I miss seeing you guys!

Jen said...

Forget the boys....YOU are the one who is so stinkin' cute!!! :)

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

Love the picture of YOU!!! How cute!

Lisa said...

You are one cute prego gal!! I love how your tummy is growing...and growing...

SpinIt! said...

They, and you, are getting so big. What is your due date?...We LOVE the name Ellie. We have actually had it picked out since Sam for our little girl (that we may never get). I guess that just proves that great minds think alike.