Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lots of Trips

It has been a long time. 

I feel like I haven't talked with anyone in a while because this month has been packed full of trips and visits. I guess that means I have talked with everyone on the trips but not as much with the rest of you all. 

I got back from a five day/four night trip (without children) to Utah to visit for my brother, Joe's wedding. It was fun being with family. I got to see my sisters and parents and spend a lot of time with them. I didn't get to visit any friends this time and I was sad about that. Dan held down the fort here and did an amazing job. He didn't even complain once, at least not to me, so I felt very grateful. 

In Utah I went with my sister Kirstin to Fetal Photos and got a second opinion that our baby is a girl. We are really excited about that! My mom had a pink blanket ready for me and I've already recieved a few other pink items from different people and the thought of having a daughter is starting to sink in. I have to be honest, I'm a little scared to have a girl. I don't know girls. Funny, huh? I am one, but I have no clue how to raise one. I was surrounded by five brothers, and Dan had all brothers and I'm very comfortable with my three little guys. I guess I'll just do my best, and if she turns out a bit "tomboyish" she'll be ok. :) 

No pictures today. I asked my dad to send some from the trip, so hopefully I'll post some tomorrow. Bye!


Lisa said...

Welcome back...can't wait to see the pics and congrats on the little girl!!

The Sullengers said...

Congrats on a little girl - that is so exciting! You will do great!

Burton Family said...

Congrats on the soon to be little girl. That is SO exciting!!! I'm sure your feminine side will come right out once she's here.

Lisa said...

Tomboyish girls are the absolute best! Besides, she might be the total opposite - girly all the way. You guys will love it!