Monday, March 03, 2008

Lincoln's Turn

Well, our round of birthdays is over as of tomorrow. Lincoln turned three today. He was happy to get his presents this morning, but he didn't want me to tell him "Happy Birthday" until about lunch time. He then admitted that it was his day and that he was turning four. I reminded him that he was only three, but he refused to accept that. He told a few of the sweet people who called that he was four too. He's so funny! The best thing about Lincoln is the way he gets so excited about his interests. He jumps up and down and his entire being bursts with excitement. He has a little temper (sometimes not so little), and can be screaming one minute, but as soon as he calms down, he wants nothing more than to hug and cuddle and tell you how much he loves you. 

No one loves as well as Linc. 

He is sweet, smart, stubborn, and adorable! We love having him in our family. Like all of my boys, I don't know what I'd do with out him. He is always roaming the house, spelling words, eating apples, and singing songs. Oh, and his favorite color is GREEN! 

I love you Lincoln. Happy Birthday!

He has reminded me of a little man from the start!

Linc has always been able to fall asleep ANYWHERE.

I think he likes to pose for the camera, even when he's busy having fun, he'll humor me. (or Kim in this instance)

So sweet. As I went through many of our old photos, I had to laugh at how many times Lincoln had his shirt off. He has the most adorable shoulder dimples, I think he's trying to show them off!

Sweet, but serious. That's our Lincoln. I think he fits his name very well.


Brooke S said...


You sure have adorable little guys!

nicole said...

Wow! you weren't kidding about the round of birthdays! You seriously have the most adorable little boys!! I also heard from Brooklyn that you are expecting. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see you in May:) It was so good to see Brooklyn and I miss you guys tonz!!! Have a great day:)

Jessica M said...

Happy birthday boys! We sure think y'all are great. And Logan has looked EXACTLY the same his whole little life. Sweet sweet.

hope said...

Happy birthday, Linc!!

Lisa said...

Awww, he's a cutie pie!! Happy "late" Birthday!!

danakat said...

I just absolutely adored spending time with him in nursery. He was my little buddy. It is so sad he doesn't even remember now. :(
Happy Birthday, Linc.

Lacey Freeman said...

Wow! Lots of Birthdays! What a cute little man!