Monday, March 10, 2008

Bye Bye Binki

Well, I think the time has come for baby O to say goodbye to his precious little binki. I can't tell you all how tired I am of constantly searching for it! It's going to be a long few days, but I think the time is right. Wish me luck.

Oh, here are a few adorable pics of Owen and his new "funny face." He pulls this face all the time for a laugh. His little sense of humor is starting to show up, I love it!

I'm also posting a picture of Lincoln and his recovered lip, for anyone who might be curious. It healed really well and very fast for that matter. Linc and Logan had their yearly check-ups today and they both did well. Since his stitches, Linc has been pretty afraid of doctors, but as long as I was attached to him, he was fine. Logan did a lot of different tests today and he was so good for all of them! He didn't even fight when they had to prick his finger. I'm sure his calmness was a result of our before-the-visit bribery talk, (robin egg treats in the car) and the relief he felt after learning that he wasn't going to get a real shot.

Thank you Jessica for watching a grouchy Owen during their appointment! It wouldn't have been such a pleasant experience without you!

"Owen, show me your funny face!"
(shown here after a yummy treat of marshmallows)

"Yep mom, I'm still doing it!"

Here's Logan coaxing his little brother on.

Here's another funny face Owen pulls at me lately. He pushes his chin to his chest, then looks up at me for a few seconds before cracking up. I copy him and he thinks it is so funny.

This isn't the best picture of Linc, but look at his lip! He only has a little scar left.


Burton Family said...

very cute make me feel guilty for not taking away Everett's paci yet! He sleeps so well with it though! I'm afraid of shaking that up. I figure if I wait until he's like 7, I can just ask him for it and by then he should be able to sleep fine with out it. ha ha...I do need to ween him soon, though. Best of luck with Owen.

hope said...

Oh, I am so happy his scar is healing so nice. I just noticed the poll for who looks like you. It is closed, so I will vote here.. Lincoln definitely looks like mommy! Miss seeing you!

danakat said...

So glad Linc's healing up so well!
Your boys are so cute! I love O's little face when he's looking up...makes me laugh.

Jessica M said...

You're welcome and any time! I love Owen's funny face. That little sucker is SMART.

Lisa said...

What cuties you have!!

Lacey Freeman said...

You have some darling little boys!