Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I've been tagged

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I love to dance, even though I've never taken a dance lesson in my life, and I would never dream of dancing in front of people. This doesn't mean I'm any good at it. When I say dance, I'm talking about twirling around in my kitchen to whatever music Dan's put on the ipod while my boys spin and dance with me (something I'm sure they won't do in a few years). Dan has promised me that one day, when our children are older, he'll take some kind of ballroom or Latin dance class with me. As I recall, he lost a bet, and I'm not going to forget about it either! :)

2. I would be more comfortable singing in front of an audience of ten thousand people than calling individuals and talking to them on the phone. I especially hate calling doctors offices, and other businesses. I never know what to say and I ramble myself into embarrassment.

3. I enjoy writing, especially children's stories. Logan and I make up stories together all the time. It's so fun sharing what I write with him. He's always sweet enough to listen and laugh. I also love reading children's books. My personal favorites are the Curious George books. Maybe it's because I'm raising three silly little monkeys myself.

4. I hate doing laundry. Sorting, switching, fixing stains, folding, ironing, yuck. Enough said.

5. I never fill the gas tank unless I have to, and Dan says I'm genetically incapable of putting lids on things. I can't disagree, although cooking while watching children leaves me little time to worry about lids -in my opinion.

6. I LOVE boring girl movies, especially British ones. I have two film versions and the book Pride and Prejudice, the entire Anne of Green Gables series, Sense and Sensibility, Little Women, and a number of other chick flicks I watch incessantly. Sometimes I think I should have been born in England during the mid nineteenth century. I find that after watching the shows I begin to talk and write in a rather proper manner, demonstrating my aptness in converstations relating to politics, literature and of course botany, or something of that nature.....umm yeah.


The Ratchford Family said...

Becki, We miss you guys! Especially reading all those things about you. It thought my hatred for laundry was just Cespedez apartment but it followed me here to my house.

nicole said...

Becki, I just have to tell you that my favorite thing to do is look at your friend, Kim's, blog! She is amazing at photography!! Wow, if I lived closer I would definitly have her do a photo shoot with my family:) You can pass the word along to her if you would like. Of course I love your blog too. Your boys are growing fast and they are so adorable!