Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cell Phone

Ok, so yesterday I went all day with out my phone ringing once. I didn't think much of it until around two in the afternoon, at which time I decided it was time to see if I had just been deaf all day, or if no one actually called me. I searched my house with no luck. I tried dialing the number with Dan's cell and went directly to the voicemail. I was going insane trying to find it, to the point that I cleaned the ENTIRE house, under couches and all. (I did find a few other interesting things I won't mention here.) Finally, I gave up the search for a bit and went into my kitchen to start dinner. I was making pancakes and needed my big frying pan. It was in the dishwasher, stacked neatly next to, you guessed it..... my cell phone. It had gone through the pots and pans cycle and baked dry with the heated dry option. My little Owen was definitely the one responsible, I had no doubt, so I called his name and when he didn't respond I went looking for him. I found him playing in the potty with an entire roll of toilet paper and Logan's toothbrush. Although a picture would make this story even better, I decided I shouldn't encourage him, or the germs he was splashing around in. Oh, little boy!


Alyssa said...

That makes you sick doesn't it!? I had mine for about a month and went to pull my jeans out of the dryer and my jeans felt a litte heavy. Ya! My phone was in my pocket. Greg about shot me. Luckily we had an old one i am using. Its a piece of junk and i can't wait to get a new one. What are you gonna do. do you have to get a new one.

HeatherKimber said...

So I was blog hopping today. (I am obsessed.) And found your link and before I even said anything my husband Curtis was like, 'hey I think I know her, we were in a play together in Brigham City', and my husbands cousin who was up visiting from Utah was like,'hey I think I know him' So I had to add in that I went to school with you. This is Heather Christophersen, now Kimber, I don't know if you remember me or not. I hung around with Brooke Woolums and some more from Perry. So anyway Hello from the Kimbers, Heather and Curtis, and cousin Jason. (He is the one that knows your husband) Our blog is set to private. We would love to invite you, just click on the email part of my profile and we will invite you if you'd like. If you don't remember me. I really am not a crazy cyber stalker.

Lacey Freeman said...

I hate it when things like that happen!!

You gotta love those little ones! Chase, too, for some reason has a fixation with toilet paper.

hope said...

I have to hand the "my child did it" trophy to you!! I have seen some interesting things happen, but not a cell phone in the dishwasher actually going through!!

danakat said...

Oh dear!!!
I feel so much better about my little man peeing in the dishwasher now.
Thanks for sharing. :)

Lisa said...

Becki - that plain stinks! I remember one day washing the dishes, when all of the sudden, water was coming down through our vents and onto the floor. A whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet - thanks to Abby! I feel your pain.

Dahnelle said...

Hey Becki! I found your blog through other people's.

The crazy thing is, had this been MY story, I would have somehow managed to be the one to absentmindedly put the cell phone in the dishwasher. I actually thought that's where you were going when you said where you found it. Sad, huh? Such is my life.;-)

The Ratchford Family said...

That is hylarious. I wish that you would have taken a picture to gross us all out. Eva one time took her diaper off in the crib and wiped poop everywhere. I couldnt believe that she got it in every possible place even her belly button. At the time I thought that is way to gross to take a picture of.