Thursday, December 06, 2007

We're here!

Well, after a LONG day of traveling on Tuesday we made it to Utah. The boys were exceptional on the airplane. Owen was a little stir crazy on the lay over flight, but thanks to an understanding lady who sat by us and offered him a pack of peanut butter crackers, he calmed down and the flight was alright. We'll be in Utah for a few days before we head to California and Disney land with Dan's Mom. I wish we had time to visit everyone, but unfortunately our time is already gone! :( We're heading to my parents tonight and I'll try to post some pictures of our yesterday with the Ratchfords! We got some really cute pictures.


kg said...

Glad you are safe and sound with famiy...have a blast at Disney Land!!!

nicole said...

I absolutly love Lincoln and Logan's big brown eyes! They are beautiful! I'm sorry I didn't get together with you while you were here:) You have no idea how much I miss you. I actually will have random dreams that we are hangin out again! Anyway, You have a wonderful family and thank you for sharing! Love you, *nicole