Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

So I'm a little slow at adding pictures to the blog lately! It must be the holidays because I feel like I have a million things to do and no time to finish them all. We had a WONDERFUL thanksgiving in Atlanta. We stayed at my brother and sisters house one night and at my friend Diana's house the second night. I loved spending time with everyone! The food was great, the company was great and thanks to Brooklyn and Dia we made some awesome ginger bread houses. The unfortunate thing about the houses is that I live with three little boys and a husband who apparently loves ginger bread and my house now has a gigantic bite mark in the roof. Dan claims it was Logan, but I'm not convinced. Well, here are some pics from the weekend.

The little people table.

Matt and Diana did the turkey. It was very good no matter what Matt said.

What can I say? I love this picture! This is Logan and Diana's cute daughter Makenna on a four wheeler.

Here was my attempt at taking a picture of all three of my boys.


hope said...

What a beautiful family! How fun!!

Lisa said...

Happy Late Thanksgiving. That is so great you have so much family around. One of these weekends we need to all get together, darnitall! Looks like fun for you guys!

kg said...

Glad you had fun, glad you're back safe and sound :)

nicole said...

Oh man, I miss you girls! I can't believe you all live so close together so far from me....I am missing out! I really want to come out and visit you all and I will -k-. I love this time of year, don't you? Love you lots, *nicole