Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Watch out......Owen just turned one and he's on the loose!!!

This is Owen's favorite thing to do these days. We have a white fence attached to the railing at the top of our stair case so no little ones will slip through the poles and die. Owen loves to sit at the top and wait for me or Dan to come up the stairs. When we're within reach he reaches through and grabs us. It's very funny!

Owen's birthday was November ninth. We had a little family party that night and had some friends over the next night for pancakes. (Owen's favorite food) Logan and Lincoln were insane about helping him open his presents! They were so excited, you would have thought it was their birthday! We eventually had to make them sit on the couch so Owen could have a chance to play with his new toys!

Owen loves soft cuddly things! Thanks mom!

OK, so this gift was my favorite because Logan picked it out and paid for it with his own money! We were at the store shopping and Logan found this baby dressed in a cow suit. He told me he thought Owen would like it for his birthday. I told him I had already bought Owen enough presents, and asked him to put it back. He kind of lost it and was adimant that Owen have this baby. Finally I agreed to buy it, if Logan would pay for it himself when we got home, and he agreed. He even asked if he could buy Lincoln a gift too. The doll was on clearance, so Logan was able to afford a toy for Lincoln and himself too. He wrapped the gift himself, and made sure Owen knew how to play with it!

This picture was from Owen's party. We made the cake look like a pile of pancakes. It was made out of cake batter, and I'm telling you, cake batter is really hard to flip over in a frying pan! Once again, Logan and Lincoln were more excited than Owen and they blew out his candles for him.

Happy Birthday Owen, my little angel!


nicole said...

I can't believe he is one already! Where does the time go:) Have a great week. What darling boys you have!

Anonymous said...

you so smart. I would have never thought of cooking the cake batter like you would a pancake. I guess this was why I was so confused you were ever going to get the cake to look like pancakes!

Jessica M said...

That first picture with the accompanying title is hilarious. Owen, if your dad comes near you with a pair off scissors or a razer I want you to use your new found power of movement and run!

kg said...

Cutie! Thanks for inviting us over :)

The Sullengers said...

Happy birthday little Owen. You have cute little boys that are growing up way fast. I can remember when you were pregnant with your first! How are you liking your home - it looks darling