Monday, August 27, 2007

An Attempt at Taking a Picture

I think this is pretty funny. You can see the sequence of events in my failed picture attempt. Start at the bottom of this sequence, and work your way to the top. Ah well, we tried!

Oh, there he is, No marshmellows for you!
I think we'll call it quits for now.

Wasn't there a third boy in this picture at one point?

Logan's hanging in there, Owen's about had it, and Lincoln's being bribed shamelessly, and unsuccessfully.

Well now, Logan's a little less excited, but at least Lincoln's intertaining someone!
Oh, and just so you know, glass fireplaces put off quite a glare.
Notice Logan and notice Lincoln. Owen's ok too at this point.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Becki, I found your blog through Staci's. Man, it's been a while. You look great and your little boys are so so cute. I love your house too. It was so good to read a bit and catch up a little bit on your life. If you want to check out my blog it's at
I actually use the same format as you. Except I can't figure out how you did that cute thing on the top of your blog. We are weeks away from having another baby and she will be baby girl number #3.