Sunday, November 26, 2006

Abuela's Visit

This month seems to have gone so fast. We took Dan's Mom back to Birmingham to catch her flight home on Friday. The boys really enjoyed her visit. It seems like we got to do an awful lot while she was here. We drove around a bit and saw the area looking at houses and Dan made sure we stopped by Golden Rule barbecue for ribs and pork sandwiches one night. Abuela took Logan fishing/birdwatching. Logan used binoculars of his own design.

Things are starting to fell normal with the new addition of Baby Owen, although 3 is definitely a different story that 2. I guess the transition from 1 to 2 was a shock too, so we should be alright. Baby Owen is a very good-natured little boy. He sleeps a lot, obviously, but really doesn't cry too much. When he's awake, he's usually just content swinging in his swing and watching Logan and Lincoln run and wrestle around. The older boys have adjusted well too. Logan is his usual protective big brother self and Lincoln seems jealous only once in a while. Lincoln loves to give Baby Owen hugs and sometimes you have to watch him because he squeezes a little too much.

I got my hair cut and colored last week. Dan said I deserved it for going through the whole ordeal and I wasn't going to argue. I decided to go a little shorter and darker and I am really happy with the way it turned out. The place I went was really nice and they did a good job, but it wasn't anything like being able to go to Em's. Emily has been doing my hair for so long that it is weird letting someone else do it now. I suppose this was a little more cost-effective than flying Emily and her hair stuff out here for an appointment. Here's how it turned out.

By the way, I've added some more pictures to our family photosite. Follow this link to have a look at them.

1 comment:

Brooklyn said...

I like your haircut. I'm thinking of going darker too, but I need to let my hair recover from straightening it first :)

Owen is a DOLL in that pic! I wish I could fly over there right now and SQUEEZE him!