Sunday, November 12, 2006

Introducing...Owen Holland Kanigan!

Well, he finally made it here. Owen arrived Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 10:53 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and measured 18 in. Everything went pretty smoothly and we have no real complaints. I suppose I can mention that the nurses had to poke my arm 9 times to get the IV in and I felt and looked like a pin cushion. Four different nurses tried on both arms and finally, the anesthesiologist was able to make it work. Both my arms now are black and blue! The also lost my blood work for a while which meant I had to wait 50 minutes longer than I would have liked to get the epidural, but I did end up getting it and after it kicked in, all was good.

The actually pushing didn't take long, in fact the nurse had to get me to slow down so the doctor could get his gloves on. Our doctor was fantastic, he is very nice and exactly what you'd expect from a Southern Gentleman. He called me "sweetie" and Dan "Sir", so Dan liked him too.

Owen was healthy and fine right from the start. His cry sounds like cupboard doors creaking. He sleeps a lot, of course, and seems pretty calm. We had to stay in the hospital until yesterday afternoon so we were very ready to get him home. hospital food is no better in the South, all though they did offer catfish and turnip greens on the menu. I was pretty sick of that hospital bed and Dan said he was sure that the women's centers at hospitals across the nation must be designed by women looking to punish men for their part in causing the pain of delivery because the fold-out guest "beds" are not exactly comfortable either.

So for now we are doing very well. Abuela gets here this week and it will be nice to have her help as well. I think she is a little excited to meet the little one also.

I've added a few more albums to our family photosite (link on the right) so feel free to browse!

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