Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Month in One Post

As promised, here are some updated photos of what's been going on in the Kanigan house...although technically, most of these shots are taken OUT of the Kanigan house! I will keep my words short and sweet because I have so many images to catch up on!

Last month the boys had been out on their bikes when they ran into the house and demanded that I come outside with myself and my camera. This beautiful double rainbow stretched all across the sky! I liked this picture best. :)

A few of sweetie girl. I am happy I tried this location when I did because the building's roof collapsed a month later and was taken away.

This pretty door is not there anymore!

 Oh wow, I am behind...a few fun shots from Easter morning!

Easter best.

 Circus time! This was a date with just me and my boys!

Owen's always up for a squishy picture!

Soccer is now over! :( The kids had a great time. Here are a few last shots of them playing.

 Cub scouts hike at Green Mountain

 Ellie's sporting my glasses.

A walk around the block...Owen picked this for me!

 An lol picture! :)

 Riding around the circle


 Gotta have the tassles!

Owen and Linc love their board/card games!

 A few attempted family shots while my sil and brother were here last weekend!
My kids don't believe in looking at the camera.

 My personal fave!

Linc's first front tooth is gone!

One handsome nephew

And his chubby, sweet, cuddly, adorable baby brother!

Memorial Day at the fountains...

...then some afternoon fishing! Logan was the only one to catch anything this time. I attempted my first HDR images too. You can check those out on my photo blog.

Okay, now we are catching up! These next shots are from today at Logan's award ceremony. He got the A-B Honor Roll and the Panther Citizenship award. He was one happy boy!

 This look is for Ellie...ahhh.

A quick trip to the park after...

Not the happiest of trips I'm afraid.

 Linc's funny way of trying to get out his work

 Logan's troops set up on memorial day. :)

And there you have it! A months worth or updates in one post! Whew-wee!


Liz said...

I'm glad we were there for some of this!

Jessica M said...

What a happy post! The second family picture is awesome.

Sarah said...

Wow! Love Linc's Legos. And all of your fun outdoorsiness. It looks like you guys have had an awesome start to summer.