So, way back when, oh maybe a few months ago, I took a "sisters trip" to Boston where my youngest sister lives. My older two sisters flew out from Utah and we spent about a week together touring Boston, Harvard Campus, Rhode Island and playing with our new little nephew. We took turns cooking meals and ate out a few times too. It was a lot of fun. I think the high light of the trip was my Caramel Pecan pie which I did not burn...and which was not harder to chew than leather! (No need to check up on that, you can just take my word for it, I promise!)
I'll go ahead and let my numerous pictures do the rest of the talking for now...until next the next post!! (Really, I'm setting a goal to update with some recent family pics this week, so hold me to it if I fail!
Day one: Subway to Boston and on to the Freedom Trail!
But not before locking the diaper bag with the keys in the apartment...luckily it had been stuffy the night before so we had left the window open and Liz crawled back through like a puma. :)
My first Subway ride...loved the curves here as we tunneled down to the dark below...
No worries, I wasn't throwing myself infront of the train, just had to get a quick shot!
Our first stop on the freedom trail was the beautiful public garden founded in 1837! It was cold and too early for the water, but the trees were still beautiful!
And the animals were out and showing off!
This guy was not only fun to watch, but actually sounded really good too!
Kir and Em on the roots of a very old tree.
Liz and I
Our little trooper Marcus.
Feeding time...
...while I was busy shooting some squirrel up a tree. Don't think I didn't get made fun of either.
I think this was the capital??? Correct me if I'm wrong. The gold domed roof was beautiful though!
Always look up!
A revolutionary aged grave yard. I don't know why, but I am always drawn to photograph graveyards They are full of so many untold stories...they fascinate me.
Mother Goose's grave.
And I suppose this guy was pretty important too!
These workers were falling a tree over by Paul Revere's grave, so I didn't get a picture of that, but I thought it was neat watching them work so carefully not to wreck history.
An early chapel...the pew boxes were numbered.
Figuring out where to go next...
This cool old building that I didn't write down the name of, held some of the early meetings of the revoultion. The lighting inside was gorgeous.
Pretty Em in some pretty light.
Pretty Kir in pretty light.
A little market in the middle of town.
A must stop if you visit Boston! This crowd was the line to get into the store!
Like I said, don't forget to look up!
George Washington lived in this mansion...I think there was a tragedy linked with it and a different tenant, but I can't remember the details. It is beautiful to look at!
Sweetie pie Marcus!
Liz and her beautiful little family!
Day two: a trip out the Rhode Island to visit some old mansions.
The Breakers very worth touring!
Loved the view of the ocean from here.
Day three: a quick walk through Harvard Campus and then finish the Freedom Trail.
Rocogonize this monument? The bunker hill is 294 grueling steps to the top and we (minus Liz and the baby) made it to the top. Going up wasn't the hard part though. It was the jello-y, shaky legs you had all the way down and throughout the rest of the day that made it hard!
Almost there!
Close to the USS Constitution.
Okay, so I have a confession to make. The entire trip, Liz kept saying that we needed to go visit the Constitution. In my mind, I kept thinkin, "Isn't that in DC?" but I didn't want to say anything and sound like a moron, so I went with it. Up to the point when we walked to the dock and saw the huge USS Constitution I had been completely confused. Needless to say, my mind cleared and I laughed to myself, then took a few pictures of this incredible ship!
Logan told me it was a pirate ship when I showed him the pictures.
This billboard was right next to the Constitution and I thought it was pretty funny.
A few more beautiful shots from the trip. Spring is a great time to visit Boston, it was so pretty!
Landscape from the Washington Monument in the graveyard downtown.
Boston LDS temple
1 comment:
So, so cool. I love history and very much enjoyed this post.
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