Loud enough you think?
We love this girl. She brings such a special sweetness to our home, evidence that she is truly the angels' best. She plays with Logan, cuddles with Linc, laughs at Owen, cries for Mommy (of course!) and bounces up and down with excitement for Daddy. How could we not be in love with this girl!?
Happy Birthday Miss Elena.....you are as lovely as ever.

p.s. This photo shoot was the harderst one I've ever done. One year old babies do not hold still for anything! Plus I was using my portrait lens that doesn't have auto focus with the camera I have, so some of the shots aren't as clear as I'd like. I love this last one though!
I couldn't have done it with out Logan. He went outside and pulled faces at Ellie through the window just to get her to hold still and smile. Thanks Logan!
1 year already... wow! You are doing an amazing job with 1 year old and no AF!! I can't even get it with AF sometimes!
I can't believe she is a year already.
I have been lusting after that dress she is wearing and after seeing it on her and all her adorableness, I'm not sure I can fight the temptation of snatching one up for Eden.
Happy Birthday Ellie!!!
I CANNOT believe that she is a year old already! Happy Birthday, Ellie!
Happy Birthday Ellie!
Happy Birthday cute girl! Wow, can't believe it, they grow so stinkin' fast! She's such a sweet little thing, hope she has the happiest of birthdays!
Look at her pretty eyes! Especially in the second picture; I don't think I've ever seen eyes like hers. They should make Ellie contacts.
I can't believe she is one!!! What great pics - your kids are all beautiful!
Happy Birthday cute girl! I love her sweet smile. Can't wait to celebrate!
She is just a doll. You did a great job on all the pics!!
Happy birthday Ellie! Great pics Becki..I love the one with her standing with the brown background.
Happy Birthday Miss Ellie!
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