Wednesday, March 07, 2012

V-day, Birthdays, Vegas and Tornadoes

Wow...what a busy few weeks! Valentines day, Dan's birthday, my trip to Vegas, Logan's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, a tornado day,  a quick trip to Atlanta to visit a friend and a new nephew, and now trying to catch up with everything that fell behind through all of this. Also, Logan's started wearing his head gear for the next year or so to fix his underbite. (No picture will be shown...I promised him!) He only has to wear it at home and at night, but he hates it. Can't say I blame him.
We though Ellie was completely potty trained but she has gone backwards with her pooping and my schedule is now at the mercy of her accidents. She is holding everything in and it is very frustrating. We've tried everything to get her to go, but we are having no luck. We're no on to stool softeners...but then, I don't think you all want to hear about that!
Linc is doing really well. He's as happy as can be. We found a lump on his chin, but the doctor said it is just an active lymph node that should go away, so we are keeping an eye on that. Owen is as chatty as ever. I am signing him up for kindergarten this week. He'll start in August!
I used to say that I am the type of person who prefers to be busy, but lately it's been so busy that I am considering taking that back. Busy is good. Buried and behind on everything is not. My goal for this month is to get a little more organized. I want to set up an official job chart for the kids, and also a weekly schedule for me. I used to shudder at the thought of being on a schedule and now I am yearning for it. I need some sanity. I'd love to hear about any idea's you all might have that have helped you get/stay organized. (I really mean that too...this isn't one of those say it, but hope no one really says anything kind of comments!)

So, in an effort to get an incredible amount of things done in a short amount of time, I am going to post my favorite pics from the last few weeks and take off to clean my tornado of a house! Have a great day everyone!

I love this picture. Dan surprised me on Valentines day with a babysitter, roses, chocolates and reservations at that restaurant in Madison that is in the old jail house. It was so thoughtful and sweet, I about cried. My favorite part, was that he also brought chocolates and a little pink rose for Ellie. She handed the rose to our sweet babysitter and went straight to business with her chocolates. :)

 I took this shot at the same time as the roses. Owen loves this big nursery rhyme book. He reads it all the time. He gets really annoyed though at the "Rock-a-Bye Baby" rhyme. He think's it's silly for the Moms to leave their babies in trees because it is dangerous. He told me so himself! 

A few days after Valentines day, I headed off to Vegas with one of my best friends. We attended the WPPI photography conference there. It was a lot of fun and crazy, and made my head hurt...but it was worth it!

Vegas Lights.


Something you'd only see in Vegas! Hello Kitty and Jack Sparrow are buddies, didn't you know?

Dan had a brithday while I was there, and I wanted to wish him Happy Birthday in a fun way so Diana and I came up with this idea. We had a fun/crazy time on the strip, running around with these letters. Meanwhile, poor Dan was at home with a bunch of sick kids. I will make it up to you next year, I swear Dan!

The amount of popsicles the boys ate while I was gone!

 A fun walk after we got back.

 Don't let this sweet smile fool you. This little girl has been miserable! It's been a battle everyday.

After one of her sad little battles. She'd won this one, but it completely wore her out.

Logan's Nine!!!

I about cried when Logan handed out the presents and let everyone help him open them. I love this boys big heart!

He's so silly.

Linc turned 7! He was sooooo excited and told everyone all day that it was his birthday. Linc got a lot of art stuff. He loves art.

What better way to celebrate two amazing little boys than by bowling with friends?

Our first games wasn't so great for me. I think every chid beat me. Heather and I both did much better the second time!

Thanks for the Mask...

And the painting supplies! Linc's first painting on an easel. He said it is a picture of him and me. Aww. 

Linc wanted a strawberry cake. It's hard to do that without the pink.

Last Friday we had some tornadoes blow through the valley and they were right on top of my area. The older boys were in school, crouching in the halls with books over their heads and no power, while I was at home with the younger two, crammed in a little bathroom, trying to check weather updates and talk with my worried husband at the same time. I looked up at one point into the mirror and saw Owen's fear and Ellie's ignorance about the situation. I risked my like (ok, not really, but you know) to run for my camera. I won't be forgetting these memories some day.

School was dismissed early, so in between storms the boys made it home. I ran out for supplies in case things got as bad as last April, and then when the second wave hit, the kids were back in the bathroom. I don't know why, but I love this shot. Amid chaos, they paused and smiled for me.

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