Friday, February 10, 2012

Ironic Murphy

I'm sporting an Angry Birds bandaid on "Mr. Thumbkin" this week. It was the final strike on Wednesday to an incredibly long and painful day. You can never see those sort of days coming. They hit like and random, and when they do, you figure out pretty quickly to brace yourself and just get through it. In fact, if you train yourself well, I've learned that by the end of "one of those kinds of days" you can even laugh at the ridiculous irony of it all.  What's that saying? "When it rains, it pours!" It's no surprise then when your dishwasher breaks down, right after you discover that you shrunk your husband's favorite sweater. Then you pick up an open pasta box upside down, and slice your poor thumb with an incredibly large knife (while washing your double load of dishes by hand). You finally find yourself cleaning up a poopy accident...again...for the sixth time that day, thus burning your Alfredo sauce in chaos of it all. It was just meant to be, so why fight it? Laugh a little at the absurdity, and get your keys ready, cause there is a pretty good chance you'll be making a trip to the emergency room for one of your children by the end of the day. A broken bone, after all, would be the perfect ending to a day like that!

Luckily for me a hospital visit wasn't necessary. Angry Birds took care of my thumb well enough and I was able to throw together some mushy pasta to go with our gloppy white sauce. It was then I figured Murphy had taken a break, because my chicken (miraculously!) was fantastic and after dinner the kids went to bed like little angels. I sighed and sunk onto the couch, half smiling, half tearing up. I'd made it. I'd survived and until the next time Murphy decides to pay a visit, I have a wonderful life to enjoy!

So, to celebrate that life, I'll leave you with a few pictures of my "little angels" and wish you all a fantastic, non-fateful day!

Ellie loves to talk to her Daddy on the phone!

A day warm enough to be out with no shoes!!

Hee Hee.

Sometimes I think Linc just tolerates Logan. They love each other, but they are so different!

Owen always has something to say. :)

A kiss for Charlie. Ellie's favorite show is Charlie and Lola and she is always telling me that she is Lola, and Logan is Charlie. So sweet.

 Messy little thing.

Owen's favorite shirt.

 Ellie and her best friend.

Teddy kisses!

Seriously, she treats this things like a person! Can you see why I have to wash it multiple times a week!?

I don't know why, but my boys LOVE to dig holes. I think they are trying to reach the center of the earth so they can see some lava. :)

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