Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Wow, this is a record for me. Two blog posts in one day! I guess Dan did about five in one day on Ellie's birthday, but usually I wait a few days. I had to post some cute pictures though, and I didn't have time earlier today. (ironic when you read the earlier post) So here they are....just a some randomn, sweet pictures.

"Baby" Owen has now graduated to be "Little" Owen, and here he is with a milk mustache!

So sweet!

While I was playing with my camera this morning, taking pictures of Ellie, Owen got tired of waiting and plopped his little bum down between myself and the camera. I guess he wanted me to read him a story. :)

I love this picture! This is Logan and his sweet little friend. Her mom and I were downstairs chatting while the boys and she were upstairs. Apparently the toy room toys weren't interesting to them anymore because they both came down dressed in clothes from Dan's and my closet. I love how Logan chose a very "Manly" outfit and his friend's is very girly. If you look close, she's even wearing my bra. Not sure what to think about that one. Her mom and I had a good laugh!

Since Ellie is so little, I haven't been able to "play dolls" with her too much yet, but she did have one outfit that looked promising, so Saturday I gathered all the cute girly outfit pieces together and had a fun dressing her up. Her skinny little legs made the tights look like MC Hammer pants, and the dress is a little big, but I sure had fun. My only question is, do the tights go under or over the onsie? And what about the bloomers...I really have no idea what I'm doing. boys are much simpler.


Brooke S said...

under - so they stay up...
and bloomers on the outside...

(I have nieces!) How fun for you!!!!

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

well, that's what I was going to say, so now I don't have anything....

she is awfully cute though. ;)

Beth said...

I agree on the tights under the onsie and bloomer on top of all. That is what I always do with Addie! I had zero luck finding Addie tights that fit when she was that small so usually I just didn't bother. What a cutie!

Bama Holcomb Family said...

LOL!! That cracks me up!! My MIL had no idea either since she raised 3 boys only. So when she and my mom (2 boys and 5 girls) were there at the same time to help out, my mom totally had the ball!! I was at a loss as well, since Zach was our first. But eventually I found myself asking the same question... Tights? Where??

McKenna said...

That's so funny. I was totally going to say that the tights go under the onesie with the bloomers on the outside, but you have a team of pros here! You see? Nothing to worry about, you'll be a pro before you know it! I always did the KY Jelly thing for The Princess' bows and I'd carry it in the diaper bag in case we had a bow fall off. Guys would always see it and be like, " have KY Jelly in your bag." and their wives would say, "It's for the bows, silly!" You'll learn all the girl stuff in no time!

Lisa said...

I agree with everyone else on the tights. Those are some cute pictures - you always seem to get the "real" moments with your kids. I hope you are all adjusting well and getting enough rest. Ellie is really a doll - just like the rest of your boys!

steveandamybrossard said...

I can't believe how beautiful your little girl is. What lovely pictures. You have such a cute little family.

The Ratchford Family said...

What fun pictures. Ellie is adorable I cant wait to meet her in person. Your neighbor kid is wearing your bra that is hylarious. Sounds like you are getting buy. I always just wait until 3 months. For some reason that is the magical age where everything balances out and schedules are set.

Jessica M said...

Oh that's great. Bra and all. Nice.
(Did I just write bra on a comment? Sorry you may have to censure this one.)

As for the tights- under, bloomers- over. Ask me anything. =0)

Karenina N. Rincon said...

Hi Becky, I was looking through you blog and I can not believe... You guys had a little baby girl!!!! Congratulation!! She is beautiful!
So how are you guys? We are in S. Florida now, since march... I can not believe how time flyes...
Let's keep in touch!
Love, Nina