Thursday, June 11, 2009

One Down, Three to Go

I'm talking about classes, not children by the way. :)

I have officially finished my first summer class...sign language! It was not easy because it was an entire semester crammed into four weeks, but with a lot of help from my hubby and also a lot prayer, I did it! To celebrate, I took the kids to the fountain downtown. I have been studying so much lately, that I haven't had as much time to do fun things with them. With this class down, I should be able to finish my other classes by only studying at night...I hope.

Anyway, when we got everything packed into the car this morning, I looked outside (should have done that BEFORE I got everything packed up I guess) and saw that it was pretty overcast. I told the boys that we'd still go, but we might not get to stay for long. Logan immediatley asked us all to be quiet and then proceeded to pray that, "the rain would stay away long enough for him to play with his friends." What a sweetie. Of course, his prayer was answered, and a good friend of ours came with her two little boys. We had fun watching all that "boy energy" go crazy for an hour or so.

As you might imagine, a fountain is heaven for a girl who likes to take pictures, so I took over a hundred! Lucky for you, I'm only posting my very faves.


Just plain happy to be here.

My favorite thing about this shot, other than the obvious, is that my camera chose to focus on Owen's ears. Wierd.

Little Men.

I loved this tummy grab! This is one of Lincoln's favorite people!


Happier. (although that might be negotiable.)



Blast Off! (This one's for you Daddy!)

Just thought this was a cool shot.

My fearless Owen has two weaknesses...bugs and water. Here he is trying to be brave!
Keyword: trying

Okay, that's enough!

So I went to take a fun artistic shot with the flip-flops and the water and Linc decided it was the oportune time to stick his head in the shot. I don't even know how he got it in the picture at that angle! Only Linc.

Here's what I was going for! Maybe I like the first better still.

I love Linc in this picture!

Owen is hard to punish. He was supposed to be miserable in time out here!




And she's up! Happy girl. Can you see her little 'teefs'?


Sandy said...

Oh the simple faith of a child!! His moma has taught him well! There is something special about all those boys and one little girl. That's what I had only the girl first. But they still take up for their sister and they are her protector along with her husband.
Have been enjoying the baseball photos of the boys. Reminded me of my boys when all 4 of them had a game the same day around the same time. Hectic!!

Jessica M said...

What fun pictures! I've actually never taken my girls over there, we'll have to do that some time.

And to answer your question, I shoot with a 12 mega pixel Canon Rebel xsi. Love it, great camera. Having a good camera is only half the battle though. Even a great camera isn't as good at reading light as you are, I shoot everything on a manual setting and most shots the camera claims are overexposed. Cameras aren't critical thinkers. Good lighting and good readings are everything.

And I think Owen's ears appear in focus while his face is slightly hazy because he was too close to the lens for your camera to focus on his face. The camera chose the best "up close" focus it could and only Owen's ears were far enough away to look clear in the picture. Does that make sense?

I'm loving your pictures, almost as much as I love Ellie's smile in that last shot. =0)

hope said...

Beautiful!!! I haven't taken the op for the fountain yet. Hopefully I can convince my family to take pics while we are at the beach this month though.

Lisa said...

COngrats on finishing the class! Hope you do well on the rest of them, and they go by quickly. Your kids are so darn cute and photogenic. That Ellie is a doll! I wanna hook her up with Griff when they get a tad bit older!

Clarissa said...

I love these pictures! Bridgestreet has one of those fountain things too and we were down there with some friends today as well. They are so fun! I'm glad the rain held out for you!

Lisa said...

Very cute and fun! AND congrats!!

Maria said...

Becki! Great work on getting that class down! Ellie is so sweet! What a good girl getting up on her own and you document it so well! I can see her teef too! :) I seriously feel like you should be a documentarion with the way you capture your sweet kiddos! I love it!