Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy 100th Post!

Wow, I can't believe I've been blogging for this long! I also can't believe how much I really enjoy it. I've always loved writing in my journal, but when the kids started coming, I found myself writing less and less. Since I've been blogging, I write a lot more and I feel like my family will have some fun things to look at and read as they grow older. I also take more pictures than before and have developed a love for that too.
I've been thinking a lot about going private with the blog, and by January I think I will. SOoo, if you are going to want to continue watching and reading about us, let me know and I'll send you an invite!
Here are a few pictures as of late that haven't made it onto the blog yet, but that I really like.

Silly Lincoln is always doing something with his hands. He flaps, claps, does the chicken and sometimes he'll stroke my cheeks very softly; so softly that it tickles. Although his hands are very "Lincolnesque" in this picure, it's his belly button I love the most.

Our Ward had the primary be the nativity at our Christmas party this year. I liked how this picture turned out. Dan was out of town for this, so these pictures are for him.

Some more of the nativity.

Owen and his little friend at the ward Christmas party. Since Dan wasn't able to be there with me, a lot of people from my ward stepped up and helped me all night. I really love them all. They are good people!

Ah, first love. This I can handle. It's the teenage years I'm worried about.

Speaking of love, here's Logan and his best friend from school and church. We carpool with her and her family a lot. Aren't they cute?

A behind shot of Logan as a shepherd.

My boys.

Another shepherdly picture.

Here's the picture I'll show Ellie when she's grown up to explain why she's so tuff. Her brothers love being as close to her as possible! Who knew that three of them would fit in her crib?


ALYSSA said...

your kids are adorable! i can't tell you how many pic i have of all three of my kids in the crib! i love her bedding!

Erin said...

Your kids are sooo cute!

Sarah said...

Super cute pictures! Your family is just adorable! I totally understand about going private with your blog, in fact, we just did as well. If you'd like an invite, send me an email singinsarah at gmail dot com.

The Sullengers said...

Please add me!!!

Cute pics - your kids are getting so big! I do remember when you had Logan, it seems like yesterday!

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

private :( well you'd better invite me or I just can't be your friend anymore!

Jen said...

I'd love to keep up with you guys...

Lisa said...

Please add us!

And, your kids are darling. Isn't it kind of sad how they grow so fast. I mean, don't you feel like you just barely had Ellie and now she is getting so big? Time goes too fast. Good thing for pictures. And blogs. Merry Christmas you guys!

Jennifer said...

We would love to keep up with you guys since we just found your blog. Please send us an invite: Such cute crib bedding. I bet it was fun to buy some girl stuff after having three little boys.

Britney said...

congrats on you 100th post! Your pictures look wonderful...your doing great things with that new camera.
Love the nativity, seeing those makes my heart happy.
when you go private...I'd love an invite!

Sandy said...

Wow, good pics, Becki. I don't see how you had time to take them and watch after the kids too! You're good!!! Loved your song as did everyone else! So glad you're in our Ward!

Beth said...

I love Ellie's bedding! Cute! Thanks for taking some pics of Addie, I love them. Invite me!

nicole said...

I love it. Cute, Cute. Please add

DeeAura said...

Oh, ummm...if you go private, I'd love to keep in touch. :)

The Ratchford Family said...

I wont show Leah those pictures of Logan and his new girlfriend. Of course add us into your private blog.

Nicnel said...

What adorable kiddos! Oh, and I'm in...

Love ya!

Jessica M said...

So cute! I love love love the b/w truck picture. Cute!