Monday, October 27, 2008

What a day

I want begin this post by clarifying that this is not meant to come across as whining or complaining or ingratitude of any kind. Instead I hope that it makes you laugh and if any of you who read this have ever felt like you weren't keeping up with things, know that you are completely normal, and that you aren't alone in feeling that way. I think we all do sometimes.
I've had the type of evening/morning that makes me think someone is out to get me. Either that or Heavenly Father is trying to test my sense of humor. I haven't had any major calamities, but the gross amount of little things has added up and once again I find myself throwing my hands in the air, surrendering any sense of order to my day.

Last night Dan and I discovered that for some reason the keypad on my phone is no longer working. I can answer calls, but I can't dial any buttons. Not a big thing, but a start. After failing to get my phone working, I tried Dan's and every call I made dropped, so I gave up on calling people and went to work putting the boys to bed. Now lately, I don't know why, but my three boys are having some trouble hearing. Either that, or the connection between their hearing and brain comprehension has a wiring problem. As you can imagine, this makes getting ready for bed rather difficult. I began asking nicely for them to get their pjs on. After that didn't work, I increased the intensity of my asking. From there I went to threatening, and finally, exhausted, I took away their book privileges for the night and said it was time for prayers. As you can imagine, prayers don't always go so well, when Mom and Dad are frustrated, three boys are devastated about not getting books and a baby girl is getting very hungry. We did our best however, and said good night.

An hour later everyone but Ellie was asleep. The house was mess from the day, but Dan and I were way too tired to clean, so we relaxed. Two hours later Ellie was asleep. An hour after that Dan and I went to bed. An hour after that, Ellie woke up. Two hours later Lincoln woke up (note: notice I haven't mentioned Ellie being asleep yet?) A half and hour after that Linc and Ellie and Dan and I are all asleep. Two hours later, Logan wakes up screaming about spiders as big as wolves coming to get him. This continues for a desperate two hours. He couldn't be comforted, so Dan grabbed his pillow and blanket and headed for the bunk below Logan. (Linc's asleep on the floor in our room). A half an hour later Ellie is up and hungry again. It is now four a.m. I feed her and fall asleep in my chair with her in my arms. I wake up at five with a kink in my neck, and lay Ellie back down. I crash into my bed and before I know what's happening I wake up to the alarm that's been blaring for at least five minutes. (That's what that obnoxious sound I couldn't turn off in my dream was)

With a night like that it's no surprise my morning was jinxed. All the kids woke up at the same time, except for Logan who refused to budge from his bed. He's the one I need to get ready, so Dan pulls him down for me (I'm holding a hungry baby) and he groggily stumbles down to eat. Lincoln wanted Corn Squares, Owen wants Cheerios, and Logan of course wants Rice Krispies. Owen and Lincoln want the green bowl and uh oh, Logan wants the green bowl too. It's the last one in the cupboard so they all get orange bowls, and might I add aren't pleased. Two of the three cups of milk end up spilled, and Logan had to run up and change his outfit. While he's gone, Lincoln discovers that it's Monday, not Tuesday and throws a fit because he won't be going to school. (preschool is only Tue. and Thur.) Logan comes back dressed like a clown and has to go upstairs to try one more time, but gets lost along the way. I find him, five minutes later playing with his army guys in the hallway upstairs. We are now officially late for school, but morning prayer is important, so I drag everyone together and try not to feel frustrated again. After prayer we're ready to go, except that Lincoln tried to pour his own lemonade, on the living room carpet, I can't find my cell phone (not that it will do me much good) and Owen decided that now was the perfect time to dirty his diaper.

I must pause now to remind you that I'm not complaining.....really. I'm simply demonstrating that some days I have absolutely no control over anything. Some days I just have to keep afloat. There's more, but I think I'll stop because right now they are ALL asleep at the same time (maybe that means my bad luck streak is over for the day), and I really should go tidy up a bit. Hope your day is going better than mine. You know, I think I'm feeling better already. Thanks for letting me vent.



Kayleen said...

Heey Becki! Of course, it's okay if you add me to your blog list!
I'm sorry about your crazy day! Glad you were able to get some peace in the end. :)

Jessica M said...

Good work Becki! That's a doosy. I did get a laugh out of it, however, so thanks. I'm also glad to know why you're not answering your cell phone. =0)
I should have called you in the middle of the night last night so we could have commiserated. I was up with the parasomniac 4 times. I think it's daytime right now but I'm can't tell through the haze in my head...

Jeremy & Andrea said...

you know becky i'm just impressed that you kept saying your prayers. even though these days seem to be common in my home i really hope it's the days that go really well that stick in my and my kids brains. way to vent and please feel free to vent again.

The Johnson J's!! said...

I hear ya sister! I have had one of those days each week for the last two! I would never see it as complaining... just writing about it makes you feel a smidgeon better. Plus, we all relate... saddly!!

I hope you have better more controlable days in the near future!

nicole said...

I feel like that is a day in the life of motherhood. Wow! The things we go through. I aways seem to be in my desera when I have a newborn cause they themselves are so demanding. I love them to death though. I will post my days when mine gets here. Cause I don't know what I'm going to do with 3. Have a great day!!!

Lisa said...

Becki - I hear you on all that stuff. It seems like now that I have 3 kids I have no control over some days. I am sure that 4 kids can be pretty chaotic sometimes. Just know that "this too shall pass". You are already laughing about it, so way to go - that is the only way to cope! You have cute kiddos!

Lizdee said...

I always wonder how young moms retain their sanity (I'll find out some day). It makes my bad days seem a lot more manageable.

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

drat. there were so many times I was picking up the phone to call, and got distracted by... what would you know... a kid! Love your guts! You know that right?

Sarah said...

You're amazing! I have days like that all too often, but I only have two kids to deal with. Four would probably throw me right into a straight jacket. Just remember that as long as everyone is alive at the end of the day, you should consider it a success :)