Tuesday, September 09, 2008

She's almost here!

I am anxious and excited; I am cranky one minute, and happy the next next. I can't stop cleaning....anything! I think the time is almost here. Here's a few pictures of the proof that Ellie will be here soon.
This fake smile was the best I could come up with. Dan was laughing at me a lot and that didn't help! I don't like posing for a camera. :)

My little pirate giving Ellie a hug.

Sweet Lincoln loves Ellie. We didn't even have to pose for this one.

Here's what Owen was doing at the time. He fell asleep on the way home from church.


Jonesy Rae Photography said...

You look so good! I don't care what you say, but you are beautiful!!! I miss you.

stacibee said...

You look gorgeous Beck! When's your due date?

Lisa said...

Wow! You look so great. It is unfair that you get better looking with each kid and the rest of us just get fatter and older - what is up with that? We are excited for your family to experience the drama that comes with daughters! Good luck the last month!

Britney said...

Gosh, what a gorgeous pregnant woman you are! And sooo tiny! Can't wait for the "She's here" post. Best of luck.

ALYSSA said...

You look so cute! I miss you! It was great talking with you, thanks! Best of luck! Can't wait to hear the news!

McKenna said...

I love the picture with you and Lincoln. How precious is that. And you look fabulous (which I'm sure you won't believe...but you seriously do.) Are you SO excited to have a girl? Don't believe anything you read on my blog about girls being stubborn and difficult and stubborn some more. That's probably just MY girl...grrrr :)

Unknown said...

You're so tiny! I had no idea you were even preggers til about a month ago. How do you do it !?! You have such a beautiful family! Can't wait to see the new baby girl :)

nicole said...

Hey beautiful!! She is almost here! I can't wait to see her. I wonder who she will look like. You really are a very very gorgeous pregnant women. And I wish we could see eachother more often:) Thanks for sharing your pictures with us and your darling family!!Love you and miss you lots, *nicole