Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'd Like to Introduce You to.....

I finally got my little baby girl and she is perfect. We went and checked on her in the NICU and she is doing great. We expect to see her in our room in the next few minutes. Right now it's a race between her and some chicken strips, but I think I'm cheering for her to make it first. I think.

Her name is Elena Esperanza Kanigan, but we will call her Ellie. She was born this morning at 11:34 and she weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 in. long.

Everyone is happy and doing well. My thanks to all of the kind words and well wishes we've received today.

more later.


Ratchfords said...

Congratulations! It was so fun to go back and read Dan's posts from the hospital - just like being there! She is absolutely beautiful - we are so excited for you guys!

hope said...

Wow, congrats, all!! She is beautiful.

Jessica M said...

Thanks for the play by play. I loved it! Glad the chicken biscuits are living up to your expectations. =0)

Ellie looks beautiful! Can't wait to see her. I'm so glad she made it safe and sound. Tell Becki she's amazing!

Sarah said...

So happy she's here, safe and sound! Congratulations you two! We hope she's an angel baby :)

danakat said...

She is beatiful! And she is healthy...yay! I am so happy for you guys and so excited for you to able to enjoy the cuddles and pinkness of your little girl.

Unknown said...

She's BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help...I'd love to take those cute boys off your hands for an afternoon :)

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

She's perfect Beck.. just perfect. A

Oh, and you're lucky someone finally posted a picture... I was about ready to come over there and beat Dan up! (not that he was busy or anything, but I'll take any chance I can get!)

kg said...

She looks like a Kanigan already! What a sweet tiny thing! Can't wait to get a camera on her :)

Lizdee said...

I kept checking my google reader for more info at work. She's way cute.

Jenni said...

Congratulations! She sure looks beautiful - the ribbons and bows will be a nice change I'm sure! Can't wait to see her in person!

nicole said...

Hooray!! She is sooo tiny and cute!!! I'm so glad she is doing good it sounds like there was a scare. congrats!

Saysha said...

I was holding my breath reading the play-by-plays! I was so worried for a few minutes...of course I was still laughing at Dan's sense of humor in his posts. :o) She is such a sweet little doll, and so teeny tiny! We only have 3 and our 3rd had 2 pounds on little Ellie! CONGRATS YOU TWO...we miss you, girls are such a wonderful joy...get rested..good luck recovering..and keep the blog posts coming!

McKenna said...

Yay, guys! She looks beautiful! (Of course, Dan would get a beautiful girl. I can just see him intimidating the suitors in 16 years or so :) I'm so glad that everything is well. We love you guys!

jkhuber said...

What a sweet, precious little girl. Congratulations!

Dahnelle said...

Congratulations! I'm sorry you had to go through all the scary part to get her here, but so glad she's doing good now!!!