Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm surviving!

I just wanted to update and thank everyone who have shown our little family so much love and support this past week. I am overwhelmed with all the kindness we have recieved and I am very grateful for all of you!
I am also so grateful to have my mom here. She has been so helpful and I'm really going to miss her when she's am I going to juggle things on my own? Yesterday I was able to visit Logan for lunch and sit with him and all his little friends in the lunch room. I had so much fun! All of the kids were asking millions of questions and each had something to say about everything. Logan was so happy and gave me a big kiss infront of everyone. (I know he wouln't be caught dead doing that in a year or two)
Lincoln and Owen are sweet, kind older brothers. They are starting to give her a little more space now, which I'm sure she appreciates. Ellie is an absolute Angel! She eats well, sleeps well, and keeps me staring at her constantly. I'm so happy to have my little girl! Here's a couple of pics. I better go feed the littlest.


Jessica M said...

Wow! She looks so different already! I love the pink seat. =0)

danakat said...

She is so adorable! The first picture makes me think of Lincoln.
I wouldn't worry about your boys withholding love for quite a while yet. My girls still give me hugs and kisses in front of their friends. I'm sure it will stop some day, but it is lasting a lot longer than I had hoped.
Can't wait to meet your little lady. She's a doll!

Mary said...

I just saw your blog! What an adorable little girl. What a birth story. I am glad that everything turned out so well.

hope said...

She is such a cutie!!! She actually reminds me of my Z when he was that tiny! And he was. Oh my. You will do great!! Youhave lots of little helpers around... use them!! No joke. If you need a ditey or something, let them go get it! You probably already know that though. And, et me know if you ever need a little break! Skylah doesn't like boys that much, but once she ges playing with them, she is good to go!

Davy said...


You produce very beautiful children and little Ellie is cute as a button. How did you do it with Dan mixed in there. Did you know that Dan once told me that he would have better looking kids that mine? Isn't that mean? Who wants to argue about how cute kids are? All kids are cute...and Ellie is adorable. Well played young Becki Kanigan...well played.

Ollie said...

Love all the pink!! So Cute!

The Roylance Family said...

She is so precious! Congrats again!!! I love the yawning picture. I absolutely adore the pink car seat. After three boys, why not?

Lisa said...

You are so lucky!! What cute kids you are blessed with!! Congrats!

McKenna said...

They are so sweet. I ran into Brother Sampson over the weekend and told him about your newbie. He sends big hugs and congrats. Miss you guys!