Monday, August 25, 2008

Handsome Sunday Boys

Have you ever gotten your children ready for church and been amazed at how well they clean up? I experienced this yesterday and since I was running late anyway, figured it was as good a time as any to force them on to the couch and try to make them smile. I should have known it would be a losing battle, and I couldn't get my lighting right because it was overcast, but I got a few cute pictures and a some really funny ones! Logan has now entered the "fake smile" stage. I'm a little sad about it. Just another sign that he's growing up; then again, there's enough evidence in these shots to prove that he is still very much my little boy! I think I'll just let these pictures speak for themselves.


Jonesy Rae Photography said...

love those suspenders!!

hope said...

Those are some handsome boys!!!

Britney said...

such cute little boys, they have the cutest church clothes.

Jessica M said...

Oh they are cute. Lincoln's suit is about the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Olá como vocês estão?Parabéns por sua família,é uma família muito bonita!Seus filhos são lindos!Saudades...Abraços e até mais....
Marcela Salles da Silva-Brazil

Anonymous said...

HI,How are you?Your family is very beautiful....Do you Understand portuguese?Bye and congradulation your kids are beatiful...
Marcela Brasil

Anonymous said...

Hi,my name is Marcela.Your hunsband did mission in Imbituba-Brazil Santa Catarina.He taught my brother.
what is your e-mail?

Lisa said...

What a cute group you have!!