Sunday, July 13, 2008

Late fourth of July pics

Wow, it's been a while. I don't like having my computer out of commission. :(  I had to post a few pics while I have Dan's computer here at home. For the fourth of July we had a picnic with just our little family up Monte Sano. It is not the kind of mountain terrain we are used to from back home, but it was covered in beautiful green forest, and it was very nice. Logan led us all on a hike to find what he called the "country side." All the boys kept up pretty well. There was also a big park to play on. That evening we stayed at home and opened all the windows of our house. A lot of our neighbors had fireworks and most of them shot into the air, so Logan and Lincoln ran from window to window. They were so excited. We had a few poppers, but the younger two boys didn't like them at all. Our stay inside situation was much better, because Owen  went straight to bed. :) Here's a few pictures from the park! 

Fearless Owen. I had to stay with him at the park because he climbed up anything and tried to go down everything alone.

Typical happy Logan.

Owen's new favorite thing......swinging with Daddy.

A view of  "the countryside."

This was the response to us asking Lincoln to show a funny face. 


The Ratchford Family said...

Dave cut Ronan's hair that is how it ended up with nothing on the sides and mohawk on the top. I told him he is not touching my childs head again. It is pretty funny though. The countryside looks beautiful. Logan cracks me up. Also I love the picture of the back of Dan and the boys. Logans little hand on Dan's head is so sweet.

ALYSSA said...

That picture of you and owen is so cute!!! looks like you had tons of fun! love ya!

Jessica M said...

Ha! Lincoln.
Sounds like fun! We did a picnic up there our first fourth of July here. Let's get together soon!!

Burton Family said...

That picture of Dan and the boys looking at the countryside is soooo cute. You are such a great photographer. Ev has always been fearless when it comes to parks too. I can't take my eyes off him. They say girls are mellower, so I guess you'll find out soon enough if that is true. Looks like a lot of fun!

The Sullengers said...

Hey, how fun and cute are your kids! When are you due again? In asnwer to your question, we plan on staying here till he is done with school (3 more years) than we will head back west somewhere. How long are you guys out here for? We need to get together!

Lisa said...

Looks like a good time with the fam! I love the pic of "the countryside"

hope said...

That was fun catching up. Glad to hear you have been getting out finally. Let me know if you ever want to go to Botanical Gardens. And congrats on the girl!! Last I heard it was still an unsure thing.

Fortunes said...


Hi. How are you. It's Julia. Remember the good ol days in Glenwood. I got your blog off Diana's site. Hope that's okay. I can't believe you have 3 kids! They are darling. Jer and I just have one for now. My blog is private (long story) but if you want an invite, let me know. My e-mail is