Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Rainy Week

Last week it rained a lot and I was sick, so that meant that the boys and I spent a lot of time indoors. Computers and TV are only entertaining for a little while, and heaven forbid the boys actually play with their own toys, so we had to come up with some new things to do. Logan found a bag of popcicle sticks in the craft drawer and decided he wanted to make puppets, so with a little hot glue (applied by myself of course) and some old scrapbooking cut outs, we made some pretty fun little puppets! They didn't need time to dry, so Logan got right to work, building a stage. He designed and decorated himself (although Lincoln was right there with him), and after it was ready we took turns putting on puppet shows. It was actually really fun. We're saving the puppets in an envelope so we can play with them again and again. I love inexpensive and easy fun!

"The stage"

" The boy behind the stage!"

Linc's Show

The favorite puppets (besides Stegosaurus)

Oh, and even though this has nothing to do with puppets, I guess it's safe to say that I am pregnant again. Crazy huh? We're well past the first trimester and will find out whether or not we're going to have a house full of boys in about a month. I think I'll put a poll up in a week or so to get everyone's preditctions. Oh, and I really don't like this picture, but it shows my little baby bump. Ah well.


Jackie said...


Lacey Freeman said...

Congrats! Looks like fun..I love little kids puppet shows!

Ratchfords said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you guys!!!!

SpinIt! said...

Thanks for the comment and CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so funny because not two days ago I was thinking that it was about that time again...not for me...for you guys. You sure make cute boys (something we have in common) but maybe this time it will be a cute girl instead.

Burton Family said...

Wow! Congrats on the pregnancy. You are so skinny- I never would have guessed you were pregnant. They say the second trimester is supposedly the best one- so I wish you good health and energy in the weeks ahead. :) It looks like your boys had a lot of fun with the puppets. Oh- and I love the look of your blog. It is so cute!

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

I don't know what you're talking about. I love your picture. You just look so happy! And you really don't have a baby bump there.. atleast that I can see.

stacibee said...

Congratulations Becki!!! That's so exciting and you look darling!

Lisa said...

Becki and Dan - Congrats! That is so great. When is the due date? I am also expecting our 3rd (we are behind you guys a little), but it is a boy this time so we are excited. Keep us updated!

nicole said...

Becki, you are so beautiful! And my girls love puppet shows too:)

Matt and Allyson said...

Congrats Dan and Becky! Oh and...what baby bump?!

Bama Holcomb Family said...

Oh!!! Congrats!!! Sorry it has been a while, but I had to stop by and catch up! LOVE the pics of the water fun!!!!!! What camera do you have???