Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Pictures from Last Week

I had fun playing with my camera last week and I thought I'd share these pictures with everyone because I liked how they turned out. Let me know what you all think.

Sweaty Logan. He and Linc had just finished playing in their big blow up castle. I think now that the weather is getting warm, it's time to cut this boys hair. He sweats more than anyone I know!

I snuck this picture while the boys were watching animal shows from National Geographic's kids website. I think it is very sweet. This is a mom picture for sure.

I loved this picture! I thought it looked much better in black and white. I also defused it a little. Owen is such a happy little guy. I feel like I could take pictures of him all day long.

My favorite "baby angle." I love the way my boys look from above. The shape of their cheeks and nose is adorable to me, especially with the long lashes.

I had to include this picture because it was so funny! Yesterday I was cooking Mac and Cheese for the boys, and while the noodles were cooking I went to change over the laundry. (have I mentioned I really hate laundry?) Anyway, I came back to the kitchen and Lincoln had decided he wanted to "help" with the cheese. "I think we need a paper towel," he said then ran and grabbed a tiny piece of towel to clean up with. He was so sweet and told me he just wanted to help. After reminding him that the stove was hot and that noodles was a "mommy job", he said sorry and ran out of the kitchen. I had to laugh, I really had no other option, it was so funny, so I took a picture.


kg said...

Hey Becki! Nice pictures, you captured some great momments!

SpinIt! said...

I can't believe how big they are. I can definately relate with the mac-cheese, as sam calls it. He once tried to help by pouring the noodles in the wate but missed and poured them all over the stove, floor, and under the burner coil. Long story caught on fire!! I'm talkin' flames and everything. Funny thing about it was that we had the cable guy here hooking up the cable...I hope he had kids so that he would understand.

The Sullengers said...

Looks like you guys have the sweet two-colored stove like we do - don't you love the way they do things in the south -

I'm sure their conversations go something like this
"I think black would look fantastic in a kitchen don't yall think? Um..i reckon that white would look better (*after much thought) hey Johnny - let's do both! Hey, good idea Bubba. HAHAHAHAHAH

Ratchfords said...

You are a great photographer and you have such cute subjects! We miss you guys!

Jessica M said...

I love the way Owen's hair is growing back in!! And I love Lincoln's mess on the stove. What a Hailey thing to do. At least it was only a $1 box of fine dining ruined. He's so darling.

Jen said...

Love the pics...esp. the first one. You are so lucky to have a good "helper." :)

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

good job on on the photos!!

Lisha said...

Love the photos and the story...

danakat said...

You have some crazy cute kids!!
You did good with the pictures.

Bama Holcomb Family said...

Events like those make us grateful for modern conveniences of smooth top stoves! Love the pics! I especially love the one with Daddy and son!