Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I haven't posted in a while because I've been so busy. Dan was gone to Utah for nine days (thankfully he's back!) and while he was gone, life as I knew it fell apart. Well, I guess I shouldn't sound so dramatic. The transmission went out in our van... while I was driving... without my cell phone... on a narrow Alabama road. After hauling all of the barefoot kids out of the van, strapping them into the stroller, getting honked at and cat-called at, (yes me. Pregnant, three kids, struggling down half a foot's worth of road side, and a truck full of guys honks and yells as they pass. The things I wanted to yell back were less than nice so I can tell you I was very lucky to have my kids there to keep me under control.) anyway, a nice lady with a minivan full of car seats pulled over and took me home. Prayers are always answered. I made a few calls to members of our ward and with in an hour, my car was at the repair shop, and I was safe at home with the kids. We were very blessed to have such wonderful friends help us out! Anyway, we have our car back and I have my husband back and the boys are as happy as ever so life is pretty good. 

Dan's working on his finals this week and then his semester is done. After that he only has two classes left! Hooray! I've been busy with the boys. We play in the backyard a lot and go on a lot of walks. The boys also have a new slip n' slide that they love. I've been taking pictures, watching girl movies, and counting down the days till I have my husband all to myself again. :) Logan is in T-ball now and he loves that. 

Well, I'm posting a load of pictures. Hope you all like them!

Here's Owen and his little best friend, baby M.

Linc swinging. He loves swinging on his stomach.

My little adventurer. He climbed up into this position himself. This is how he lets me know he's hungry these days. I think I get the hint.

Logan watching an airplane on the monkey bars.

Some of Linc's expressions make me want to just kiss him! Even when his face is covered in paint.

Logan likes the slip n' slide.....

Lincoln likes the slip n' slide.....

Owen DOES NOT like the slip n' slide.....

but he does like popcicles!

Logan's T-ball uniform. Isn't he handsome? (sorry, I'm a mom.)

Oh, and a few people have asked what kind of camera I have. It's a Nikon D40X. We are sooo happy we bought it. Having a nice camera makes taking pictures much more fun!


nicole said...

Oh man, 9 days is forever when you are on your own like that!!! Why was he in Utah? Without you and the kids? I am so excited for May 29th!! I got my plane ticket on Sunday, yeah!!! Florida...here we come:)!!

Jessica M said...

Becki, you are turning into quite the photographer! Good work! And your story about breaking down actually made me sick to my stomach. WHY do these things always happen when husbands are out of town???

danakat said...

I can't believe your van story! Poor girl. And WHAT were those "helpful" men thinking anyway?! So glad all turned out well and that Dan is back.

Your pictures keep getting better and better...and having such cute boys doesn't hurt.

hope said...

I am so sorry about the van. That is not fun. But I am so glad to hear things are well again.

kg said...

Sorry about your van, thankfully that nice lady was driving your way! We miss you guys :)

Burton Family said...

i love all your pictures...i would love to buy a nice camera like yours someday! glad you made it home safely.

Rachel von said...

I LOVE reading your blog! I can't believe the story about the van. I would have had a nervous breakdown, I am sure you handled it much better. You're pictures are amazing. You are a pro at taking photos. Tell Dan hello and hopefully we can see you guys sooner than later!

Lisha said...

Your boys melt my heart, they are so cute, I can ardly imagine what they do to yours!!! I can't even imagine the panic you felt with the van, it's times like those you wish you weren't the mom, the one in charge. Glad things are back to normal!