Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Day at the Ball Field

Saturday was a really fun day. Our little family spent it together, watching Logan's T-ball game, and running a lot of little errands. 

Out in the county where we live there are a lot of "Home-grown" Southerners who have lived here their entire lives, and they take their ball very seriously. It makes for some interesting experiences at practices and on gameday, but they are the sweetest people. It's been a lot of fun getting to know some more families in our area, and Logan has been practicing catching and throwing at home a lot lately. 

It used to be that we could throw with him inside, but yesterday proved that to now be a hazard, and we are lucky to still have all of our windows and electronics still intact. Our new house rule, is "no ball in the house!" While I was practicing catch with Logan yesterday I pegged him pretty hard in the head. We were using a real ball, so I felt pretty bad about it. He cried a bit, but he was nice about it and excused himself saying, "I'll be back in a minute!" He went out to the garage and came back with his batting helmet on and said he was ready to play some more. What a sweetie!

In the dugout

Logan and a new friend. They were more interested in the potato bugs than the game.

Ready Position

Dan took this shot. Logan was happy to be home.

A trip to Bruesters after the game. Look at how dirty my kids can get!


danakat said...

I am laughing so hard at your "good" aim. Poor kid. Mommy whacking him on the head. Smart kid. Good thing he had a helmet ready.

Britney said...

Hi there Becki, thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I need to put your blog addy in my friends column so I can remember to check up on you too. I just read through your last few posts. Congrats on the new baby! So exciting, we are getting ready to welcome our new little one this next month...crazy. Goes by too fast. :( Also, your pictures look great as well. Having a DSLR is so fun, changes everything about taking pictures, huh?

Alyssa said...

cute pics. isn't it so fun that our boys are old enough to play sports. :)

Erica said...

dan, hey it's been a while! i've stayed in touch w/ jeremy and just found your blog. looks like you've been busy and have a beautiful family to show!

Ratchfords said...

Fun post! Your boys are getting so big!

Jessica M said...

Ha ha, nice Becki, teaching Logan to take it like a man before he starts grade school. His helmet fix was awesome. And Dan's shot of Logan coming into home plate is GREAT! Good work Dan.
And I'm sure by using the term "home grown" southerners you were paying a compliment....

Burton Family said...

You should enter the picture of Logan coming to home plate in some contest. That is a great picture! Love your guys' blog!

Lacey Freeman said...

How old was Logan when he started playing? I really want Chase to do it...how does Logan like it?

Saysha said...

HELLO THERE KANIGANS! Long time..no hear, eh? CUTE boys...looks like we should get together...3 cute boys and our 3 cute girls-possiblities! Cute blog, cute family, we miss your faces off! (Sorry about the blog-stalking..I found your blog on Jeff Diffie's..which he just emailed to Nate.)

Lisha said...

What great pictures!