Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hungry Lincoln

This past Saturday Dan and I did a bit of work in our yard. We pulled out some ugly bushes, (and when I say we, I mean Dan) cleaned out under our deck and hauled off some rotting wooden beams. I guess we were outside for a while with the boys because Lincoln became pretty hungry. He was good about it and didn't complain at all, in fact he quietly went inside and took matters into his own hands. I couldn't help but laugh when he came back outside. These pictures should explain why.

When he first came out, he looked nervous, like he wasn't sure if he were in trouble or not, but as soon as I laughed, he came right out, and laughed himself. How could I possibly be mad about this?

I'm glad at least, that he took his shirt off first!

This is real happiness!

When we pulled out the old beams, we woke up two sleeping lizards. I felt bad for the rude awakening, but Logan had a lot of fun playing with them for a while. He was nervous about touching them though, because they were pretty slimy.


Lisa said...

I have to say that is super cute! I love his big smile! He looks so proud of himself!!

danakat said...

Yeah, no way to get frustrated with that little face! Adorable and resourceful...a perfect combination.

Dahnelle said...

That is so cute!

Jessica M said...

He is so darling. OK, OK he can play at my house.

Beth said...

Is that jelly? How cute!

Lacey Freeman said...

I love the third's a classic!