Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Camera

We finally broke down and bought a new camera. We've been thinking about it for a while now, and it just felt like the right time. I've added a few pictures to illustrate how bath time usually works around here. Don't worry, we were very discrete, you can view these pictures without having to cover your children's eyes! Oh, and I did add a few other pictures too. I'll explain them as I go.
Baths usualy begin happily for Owen, but due to the lack of enthusiasm, if you will, shown by Lincoln, they end up being a sad experience.

Linc is not very happy to be here.

Well, maybe "not happy" doesn't quite cover it.

Ok, I'd say he's miserable, and he's not just content with being miserable himself.

As they say, "Misery loves company!"

Logan must have missed that memo.

I love this picture because this is Dan's reaction to a letter Logan wrote for him all by himself. He took the time to sound out all the words. The letter is posted below.

It reads: "Dad ges wut Dad yoo rw u pig. Babme."

Translation: "Dad, guess what Dad? You are a pig. Blabber me."

Linc eats at least three apples a day.



Lacey Freeman said...

What cute pictures. Your boys are darling!

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

Isn't a new camera just so much fun?! It feels like you've just been handed a whole new world inside of there. Yea! But you do need to work on the baths I think.... they don't seem to like them too much!

Britney said...

Becki, I don't mind at all you looking at my blog. Thanks for the comment, comments make my day! Your boys are adorable!

Ratchfords said...

Your boys are so beautiful! I can't believe how big they are all getting! It's sure fun to look at your blog and see what one of our favorite families ever is up to!

Jen said...

I am so excited to see all your cuties! They have gotten so big!

Alyssa said...

I love your pics. Its so wierd to me that we have kids old enough to be reading and writing. lol
Anyway, I tagged you. Go to my blog for the details.

danakat said...

Precious faces.
And I love your new Valentiney layout...very festive.

Jessica M said...

Fun new layout. And I love this Shawn Colvin song!! I'm excited to see your new camera!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how the family is growing!!! It makes me so happy to think a few years ago in Logan, Utah you guys started all this and now look where you are, smiling at your son's letter.

Live is good in Indiana, just stretching the faith muscles and getting through. Have a great valentines day!