Monday, October 22, 2007

Pictures for G-ma's and G-pa's!

We had Logan's last soccer game of the season on Saturday. He had a fun time playing the games, but it took him a while to warm up to the idea of going after the ball. He would run with crowd, the first few games, but wasn't very aggresive. Dan and I tried to explain that it's ok to take the ball, because it's sports, and finally this Saturday (of course it was the last game) he got into the game and made his first goal! He was so proud of himself and got to pick his favorite kind of icecream on the way home. (bubble gum)

Two silly brothers! They got these glasses at a birthday party and laughed and laughed for nearly an hour at each other! In honor of the glasses, Dan put in an old Marx brother movie. I thought about giving the boys mustaches too, perphaps another time.

I love this picture because of the look on Lincoln's face!

Logan took this picture. I love Owen's expression and his spread eagle legs! (Why are you doing this to me mom?)

Does anyone else ever have this problem?


hope said...

Such cute pics!! And, yes, once upon a time I had that same dishwasher problem!

Stacy said...

Such cute pictures!! You look absolutely beautiful! You need to post more pictures of you, for all of us out here that miss you! Brax did the same thing with soccer as Logan..too funny.

Elisa said...

Hey Becki! Your new little guy is darling!! I found your blog from Rachel's, so fun to catch up with what you guys are doing!