Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Logan's Pumpkin Patch

It was rainy today so we had to stay inside most of the time. Logan, of course, was full of energy so I had to find something for him to do before he pulled the paint off the walls. Since it's getting close to Halloween, and since there appears to be a shortage here in Alabama, I figured we might as well build ourselves a pumpkin patch. Logan started by putting a paper pumpkin he got in the mail from his cousin Jacob next to the carving pumpkin we bought Saturday at Sam's Club and it kind of grew from there. Here's what it ended up looking like. *Notice Logan's pumpkin-eyes.


Brooklyn said...

Wow--he's growing up fast. What an adorable kid. I'd squeeze him if I could!!

Liz Braithwaite said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a blog now! Logan's adorabel and tell him he owes me icecream :) haha. Talk to you soon! --Liz

Anonymous said...

awesome looking fam, I wish i was in it. I guess i am.
Uncle brian