Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Civil Rights Tour

Last week we had the pleasure of having Dan's mom stay with us. The kids always love having her around and I'm pretty sure she loves them too. ;)  While she was here, we decided to take a trip down to Birmingham to tour some of the civil rights museums and churches they have downtown. I was worried that the kids might be too young to really grasp what was being talked about, but other than Ellie, I think they did very well. We started out at the 16th street Baptist church where four young girls were killed when a man placed a bomb outside of the church. It was very moving to see the memorial they had set up inside and feel the history of the place. The kids didn't understand how someone could do something so horrible, and we had no answer for them. It's not something anyone can really understand I think.
After the chapel, Ellie had about had it, so we walked along the Freedom Trail until we found a place to eat. It was a fantastic little greek restaurant (can't remember the name now!) and after we were full, we headed back out. We walked some more along the trail, and into Lynn Park. It is full of monuments and plaques telling stories of the fight for freedom.
We wanted to visit the big, main civil rights museum while we were there, but the kids were spent by the end and we decided it would be best to head home.
 Here are a few pictures of our day!

 Ellie and her Abuela playing Super Why or something. :)

The stained glass of the Savior. There was a picture there that showed the old window right after the bomb went off outside. All the other windows on this side of the church were blown out except for this one. There was damage to Christ's face, but that was it.

This was given to the church after the bombing.

Waiting for lunch.

Tough guys.

Everyone with Abuela at Linn Park.

Sweaty boy, happy girl.

 A statue of the water hoses the Birmingham Police Department turned on protesters, including children.

 My boys didn't like the story that went with this monument so they are trying to take down the water hoses.

Tired baby girl just decided to lean her belly against the nearest tree.


1 comment:

Cari said...

The pic of Ellie hugging the statue of the child and the water hose totally made me tear up. So, so cool.