Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Rambles and Swimming

     I've decided that blogging is a good way to wake up on a groggy morning. I was up too late editing last night and needless to say, I am a wreck today. I don't usually stay up that late,  in fact Dan and I have been trying hard to get to bed earlier, but last night couldn't be helped.
So, anyway, this morning came along and after a too brief kiss from my kind husband before he had to rush out the door, I sat in bed willing my eyes to open voluntarily. They wouldn't oblige, force was my only option; and so force I did, then stumbled downstairs, slopped a few bowls of cereal together for the kids and just sat at the table...staring at my kitchen curtains, mentally rearranging the stripe patterns for what felt like an hour.

      My kids are actually very kind to their zombie mother. They've always been good at understanding that people need a little time to wake up sometimes. I am very grateful for that. Even so, they themselves are very much "morning people" so their general optimism for the day, the happy hugs and excited chatter was a little more than my fuzzy head could take and I escaped back up to my bed for a little quiet to allow me to wake up in peace. I had to post a few photos to my photography blog and that seemed to wake me up a bit. Then I remembered I had some fun pics to post on this blog and I am just about awake. I think I can face my day now without a scowl! Looking at pictures of my kids always makes me happy. I think it's because they really are happy kids. They are exceptional and kind. They are still kids and can fight like...well, kids, but deep down they are such great examples of kindness, forgiveness and compassion. I feel very blessed to have them.

      Yesterday Dan lost his wallet briefly. He was at work and called me to check here at home. I couldn't find it anywhere, and after searching for a while at work, I could tell he was really nervous about it. I gathered the kids up here and we knelt down to pray for Daddy. Logan and Linc both gave honest and sincere prayers and within a half an hour, Dan called and asked me to check the suit pocket of the jacket he'd worn to church the day before. It was there. I walked down the stairs, holding the wallet up and the kids got so excited! Owen shouted, "Wow, I guess Heavenly Father really is real! I've never seen him before, so I wasn't really sure, but I guess now I know!"  (Insert my smiling face here) My heart just about burst. We knelt down again and told Heavenly Father thank you for finding the wallet. It was such a sweet, simple testimony for my kids. I am so grateful that God gives those experiences to us. I don't know if I would take the time to recognize them as much if it weren't for my kids!

Alright, enough gushing for now. I am feeling awake and happy and ready to get to work so I'd better post our swimming pics and be gone. We are going swimming a lot this summer, It's exciting to see the boys get better and better in the water! Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

Lee Family said...

Looks like the kids are loving the pool. Fun pictures!!!