Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ain't No Sunshine

We are now onto about day four of no sunshine here in the great state of Alabama. It's a good thing. Our lawns were looking more like fields of straw and the heat was unbearable. I am sure my power bill will benefit from the heat drop too, so that's nice. The only hard thing is being cooped up inside with tornado children and not enough things to do. Right now the boys are crazily conquering world after world of Super Mario Bros. Watching them playing is like viewing an ancient tribal dance. They bounce and bob and make the funniest sounds. It turns into a unique language almost. My ears are tired. :)
I better make this post short and sweet because I have been putting off a bunch of house work all week and I really should get a few things done! Another downside of the overcast weather. I get so groggy! Anyway, the pictures I am posting today are from Tuesday. We had our little buddy N over to celebrate his birthday about two months late. :) The kids gave him his gifts and then proceeded to play with them and use up his bubbles! Nice.  Ah well, I guess that means he's "in" with them. They do really adore him! N's Mom teaches at the pre-school all of my kids have attended and she is in our ward at church too, so they get to see him a lot.

That's about it. Off I go to clean-up and prevent more catastrophe around the Kanigan house. See you next time!

Owen's funny face.

N liked it enough to blow once or twice! :)

Hee hee Owen!

Climbing up all by himself!

Silly shot.

Our new little visitor...took me an hour to get this shot! More on my photoblog.

A fun self-portrait I took this week while waiting for a client.


Anonymous said...

As usual, beautiful pictures. The one of N blowing reminds me of one I have of you & Lincoln from Oregon in 2006. Look at Ellie's little blowy-lips in the background - do you remember the photo I have of you sticking your tongue out as you offer your ice cream cone to baby Lincoln for a lick? Ha ha! You're as cute as Ellie.

Becki said...

I do remember that picture! :) I didn't even notice Ellie was blowing in the picture of N...she is so cute! She really loves her bubbles. :) Love you!

Lee Family said...

I love the rainy self cute! Ellie's hair looks so long and pretty. So glad its been raining and cooling things off a bit, but it will be nice for sun to let the kids play outside. :)