Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Stir Crazy.

Another groundhogs day has gone south. As usual, that stinkin' little ground hog saw his shadow again; which means, that I will not be rescued from these four walls (which I really am grateful to have....really!) for another few months. Spring....where are you? I miss being out in the sun, with the flowers and bugs and kids running wild in the yard.....I suppose they could still do that now, but it's been sooo dreary and cold. We've had to find ways to entertain ourselves inside. My question is, has the groundhog ever not seen his shadow? Is this just some mean trick we play on kids to get them excited for possible warm weather? If that's the case, then I am declaring a new tradition right now. Tomorrow morning, if I wake up and I have kids to clean up and get ready for the day, then I declare winter to be over and spring will be Saturday. Anyone want to have a picnic? What do you think the chances of that happening are!?
Ah well, maybe I'll just post some inside pictures again and stop whining.

I never did like groundhogs. What kind of animal is it anyway?


Another Alabama snow storm. I'm starting to wonder if the Utah snow followed us here?

Time to dig out the ole' blow up toy!










1 comment:

Lisa said...

This Alabama weather is just crazy!! Makes me miss Arizona!! Love all the pics, esp. the ones in the tub!!! So cute!