Friday, February 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Dan!

Happy 30th Birthday Dan!

My friend Lisa had a"Tag" up on her blog to brag about her husband and I thought it was a good idea. Today is Dan's birthday, so I felt like it was the perfect time to brag about him!

What is his name?: Daniel Nicholas Kanigan
How long did you date?: Umm, not long. I'd say about six weeks?
How old is he?: 30 today!
How old are you?: 27
Who eats more sweets?: He'd say me
, but he enjoys a good bowl of ice cream more than anyone I know!

Who said I love you first?: Me. How embarassing! He forced it out of me though.
Who is taller?: He is by about five inches.

Who can sing better?: he he he. Me. :) He's got pretty good pitch though!
Who is smarter?: That depends on who you ask, and how you define the word smart. I think he is smarter than me in a lot of ways. He'd beat me in a game of trivial pursuit hands down, but I think our "smarts" are in different areas.
Who does the laundry?: Me. Yuck.
Who does the dishes?: Most of the time I do, but Dan can pack those dishes into the washer as well as I can.
Who pays the bills?: That's me too. We used to share this responsibility, but it was too stressful. Dan's been much less stressed since I took over.

His guilty pleasure?: Ummm, Family Guy and Simpsons? I really don't know. We do almost everything together.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?: Dan, it's closest to the door.
Who mows the lawn?: Dan usually, but I don't mind doing it sometimes. I like to mow the lawn.

Besides you, who is his best friend?: His mom, his brothers, Davy and some other high school friends.
Who cooks dinner?: I do most of the time, but Dan pitches in a lot. Things are always much spicier when he cooks. :)
Who is more stubborn?: Dan, definitely Dan, and don't argue with me about it.

Who kissed who first?: He kissed me, I wasn't completely forward with him!
Who asked who out first?: I don't think we ever had a real first date. We were two busy college students who hung out after classes and work whenever we could until way to early in the morning!
What was your first date?: Our first "hang out" was at one of his secluded "thinking spots" over looking the island in Cache Valley. We talked for hours! (really.)

Who proposed?: Dan did. He completely surprised me too. It's a great/long story!
Who has more siblings?: I do. I am from a family of nine.
Who wears the pants?: Well, I've never seen Dan in a skirt, thank goodness, so I'd say he does. Really though, I think we're pretty even in that area.
What is your favorite thing about him?: My favorite thing about Dan is his devotion to his family. He is very good at loving people, and I have never met anyone who was a better father. His boys adore him! It's always amazed me that we are so different, yet so alike. He's more of a dreamer than I am, and he's always very thoughtful!

I tag anyone else who wants to brag about their man!


Burton Family said...

Wow, 30 years old is pretty darn old if you ask me.

Dan, Happy Birthday, my friend! We really enjoy keeping up with you all on your blog. THanks for the posts. You have such a cute (handsome) family!

Jeff and Em

Jonesy Rae Photography said...

Okay, so I just want to say I do feel slightly bad for giving Dan such a hard time on his birthday. Sorry Dan.. you know I think you are awesome! Becki made me do it!!

Davy said...


This was very well done. And I agree, Dan is way more stuborn than you and me for that matter...

Jessica M said...

Did Dan get those bifocals we left for him? We weren't sure if he could see to use the TV remote, old age kicking in. We'll be sure to send some crossword puzzles too.

Happy Birthday Dan! Good job on the burgers. Which grill did you use?=0)

Becki, isn't 6 weeks of dating stretching it a little?

nicole said...

Cute pictures! I think I'll tag my hubby:)

Ratchfords said...

Happy Birthday, Dan! We love you!

T said...

Dan, I thought I was older than you!!! You beat me by 8 months! Hope you had a GREAT birthday. Becki, great job on the post...