Well, after three different schools in one school year, the kids have finally got a break. If we were in the U.S. it would be their summer break, but here it is the middle of winter. That doesn't stop us from heading to the pool or beach whenever we get the chance. It's been a gorgeous 75-85 degrees and we are loving the temperature!
We've all been fighting off different infections the past couple of weeks. I wonder if our bodies are just getting used to the different bugs and viruses in the area. I think we are finally over the worst of it all, although we have found a lump on Lincoln's chin that we are worried about. We took him in to the doctor on Friday and they are scheduling a "sonogram" for his face next week. Hopefully it is nothing, but we'll keep you all posted!
As far as living here, I feel like we've reached a point where things feel sort of "normal". That's a good thing, right?! We make almost daily stops to our local market for bread and fruit (fruit seems to spoil here very quickly!) and we've gotten used to hailing a taxi, though my poor portuguese has landed me in some interesting places a few times, and we've made a few friends. I think the hardest part for the kids is their lack of freedom. In the states (both Alabama and DC) they had fantastic areas outside to run and play with their friends, while here, that just isn't an option. We have a little play area in our apartment complex thank heavens, but I still don't trust the little ones not to kick their ball over the side into the busy street below (which has happened once already!), plus it is located next to a pool without a locked gate and I am nervous about that as well. I've become used to taking them down everyday to play little games of wall-ball, four square and soccer. Dan bought each of the kids their own soccer ball from different famous teams, and they kick them around EVERYWHERE. I don't mind, but I feel bad for the people below us. We had to make a "no bouncing in the apartment" rule which hasn't been that successful yet!
We try to practise our portuguese everyday and I am working really hard at not being afraid to use it when I'm out. I can't tell you the number of times I've bumped into someone (or my kids have) and instead of saying, "desculpe" which means, "I'm sorry" I've blurted out something silly like "obrigada" (thank you!) or "de nada" (your welcome!) I've gotten some weirdo looks, but it's funny enough that I just have to laugh. "Thank you for letting me run into you!" Some people are really good about talking slow for me and trying to understand my broken portuguese, but others look at me like I'm from another planet. I'm kind of curious to know what I'm really saying to people sometimes when I think I know, but they give me the look that says otherwise. :)
Other than a few beach trips and some walks around town and the Lagoon, we haven't gotten out to see much this month. It's been really busy and with most of us being sick, we've just hung out at home a lot. We've also had the Brazilian protests to think about. Most have been peaceful, but we've been trying to avoid them all as much as possible. Dan and I went out on a date last Friday and wound up in the middle of some of it for a few blocks, so we just switched directions and found a restaurant where we could keep an eye on the Brazil/Italy soccer game. It's really fun walking around town on game nights. Every market, restaurant and little stand we pass is equipped with a huge television screen and crowds of people around it watching the game. Whenever Brazil scores, the entire city erupts in cheers...some people even set off fire works. For a small town girl, it's pretty cool.
I guess that's about all for today. Not a day goes by that we don't think of and miss all of our friends from every walk of our life so far. I really think life is hard no matter where you live, but it is also full of so much possibility. I know that I've held myself back too many times because I was afraid of what might happen, but I'm trying really hard to look at what I have and what I can have without fear.
Miss you all...have a great week, here's the pictures!
Oh, I forgot to mention that our first UAB shipment came. It was only the small portion of our stuff, but we were happy to get it cause it had brownie mixes and macaroni and cheese! Plus, Ellie and the kids had a lot of fun with the paper and boxes.
Our phone is up and running all the time now! I even got to keep my old cell number!
Ellie loves to draw and write!
Hee hee...
Keeping occupied!
Logan is into spy movies lately.
Lot's of swimming!
Owen's "Superman".
It's getting easier and easier to get pictures of all of them together!
Logan is trying to coax Ellie into the water. She's never liked it much.
He got her in, but she got scared and wanted to get out for her goggles.
Ready to try again!
Trusting little girl.
Mr. Muscles...this one cracked me up! He looks like a grown up!
Love this one too.
Owen's Kindergarten Graduation!
Logan's haircute...he wanted to look like his favorite soccer player, "Neymar" so we shaved it for him for his last day!
I had to do a comparison shot!
Flashcards! The short pile is what I have memorised, the tall pile I need to. :) Looks like I have some work to do!
We got sick a lot more out in Atlanta, so I think moving does expose you to all these new germs.
So glad to read your updates!
Sounds like you are having a great experience. Here's hoping everyone can stay healthy. And good luck with Portuguese!
Love, love, love all the pictures!!! Ellie is writing so well and the swimming pics of all them are adorable. Miss you!!!
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